January 8, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Minister assigned to return the Nordics

Minister assigned to return the Nordics

(Québec) Le gouvernement de François Legault a désigné, pour piloter le dossier du retour éventuel des Nordiques, l’un de ses plus influents ministres, qui a même eu des rencontres avec « différents investisseurs potentiels du club ».

Gabriel Béland

Gabriel Béland
La Presse

Le premier ministre a répété vendredi qu’il s’était lui-même entretenu avec le commissaire de la LNH, Gary Bettman. Mais il a ajouté que son ministre des Finances, Eric Girard, pilotait le dossier.

« La personne au gouvernement qui est responsable du dossier, c’est Eric Girard, qui est ministre des Finances, mais aussi un gars de Québec qui est passionné des Nordiques », a dit François Legault, en marge de sa première rencontre avec le nouveau maire de Québec, Bruno Marchand.

Eric [Girard] Negotiated with various potential investors of the club. Eric plans to meet with Mr. Betman in January. When I spoke to Mr. Betman, he said he was ready to meet with us.

Franకోois Legalt, Quebec Premier

The Prime Minister did not name any of these “different investors”. But some of his words may lead me to believe that this is not about Pierre Carl Pelado.

“There is an amphitheater. Currently, [pour] In this amphitheater, Mr. Pelado has the right of first refusal. It remains to be seen if Mr. Pelado is still there [prêt] To spend 700 million and more for the hockey team. If not, we need to see how we manage the amphitheater with the city of Quebec, ”he added.

The Prime Minister said that broadcasting rights represent a “very important” aspect.

“RDS is with Bell and TVA is with Sports Quebecore. This is exactly what the government and Eric Girard are trying to do to benefit the people of Quebec and eastern Quebec by bringing back the Nordics. ”

Many people believe that the Prime Minister’s second exit in two days on this file has stopped. On Thursday, Mr. Legault told a news conference that his government was interested in returning the NHL team to Quebec.

Serious policy or diversion?

As the Solidarity member believes for Taschereau, is this policy honest or is it a “diversion” not to mention the third link?

“Without wanting to insult yourself, you were not the first person to try yourself … you were not the first politician to try to change things when it came to the smell of hot soup!” “Written by Catherine Dorian on social networks.

PQ member Véronique Hivon also suggested that the “attempt to bury a problematic week in the coroner’s trial on CHSLDs” was a diversion.

One thing is for sure, Eric Girard is nothing new to the world of hockey, the sport he plays. When he was 8, he played for a while with Patrick Roy at Saint-Foy Summer Hockey School.