September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

MP Harold Label, who is facing charges of sexual harassment, attended this morning

MP Harold Label, who is facing charges of sexual harassment, attended this morning

MLA Harold Label appeared briefly Monday morning on allegations of sexual harassment, to which Remoski must respond in court.

Also read: MP Harold Label faces allegations of sexual harassment “has nothing to be ashamed of”

Pandemic responsibilities, the defendant, his lawyer and the Crown Prosecutor appeared remotely via videoconference.

On the whole, it is only a formal exchange between the parties, while in others it involves the exchange of some credentials.

The important thing to know is that Harold Label’s attorney confirmed that his client did not plead guilty to the charges against him.

  • Listen to Antoine Rabbitile’s column on QUB Radio

When he returns to court on February 16, he will also clarify whether the judge will choose the trial alone or by judge and jury.

Both sides told the court that the 58-year-old MP, who has been on a large scale since his arrest on December 15, was in talks to ease the mandatory conditions.

Keep in mind that the alleged crime against Harold Label took place in 2017. His victim was another member elected to the National Assembly. The court order protects his identity.

In the meantime, Harold confirms that Label will continue his duties as deputy. He has now sat as an independent member since the party was excluded from the Cubacois Caucasus.

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