December 28, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Organizational racism: Gregory Kelly embarrasses Dominic Anglade

Organizational racism: Gregory Kelly embarrasses Dominic Anglade

Liberal MP Gregory Kelly has been harassing his leader Dominic Angled in the National Assembly this week, following a video from June in which he mingled in Salon Blei between systemic racism and Law 96.

Also read: Joyce Achaquan: Alleged that the government made an instrument for the monument

Also read: Chicken in the National Assembly: Gregory Kelly “ashamed”

Also read: Joyce Achaquan: Commemoration turns into a chicken in Saloon Blee

“Did he make a mistake in making questionable combinations between Bill 96 and systemic racism? Yes. But that’s not an insult to the Cubakers, he’s a Cubaker!” The Joost, On Wednesday, in response to the words of Franకోois Legalt, who accused the member of “insulting Quebecs.”

“I apologize when Greg Kelly Joyce amalgamated into the Black Lives Matter Collection framework between secularism, French and more, but yes he insulted the Cubs.

“What is clear to Mr. Kelly is that he wants to limit Quebec’s choice by making false and intolerable arguments, and I strongly disagree with him,” said Stefan Bedard.

Watch the full exchange between zoosters in the video above.