A burning cross was observed in the yard of a Virginia teenager who helped arrange his town’s Black Lives Matter...
"As we work to make progress toward racial equality through several initiatives, we also must take a hard look at...
Days just before President Trump is scheduled to keep a rally in Oklahoma, Dr. Anthony Fauci claimed he would not...
Iowa’s governor will issue an executive order formally restoring voting rights to paroled individuals with felony convictions, she announced. Speaking...
A 134-calendar year-outdated statue of Christopher Columbus has been removed from a St. Louis park, starting to be the most...
A young boy was caught on video hiding from a passing police car as he was playing basketball outside his...
T-Mobile blamed a bum fiber-optic circuit for Monday’s large community outage that rankled consumers and prompted a federal investigation. Neville...
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) announced Monday it will implement a specific “diversity and inclusion merit badge” in support...
Chilling online video reveals the second a suicidal father drove his truck off a cliff in San Diego with his...
Reuters (IANS) After his former wife and actress Jennifer Aniston donated $1 million to aid racial justice, Hollywood star Brad Pitt...