October 24, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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Palm Sunday: Asking for mercy to surprise Christ

Palm Sunday: Asking for mercy to surprise Christ

At the beginning of Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday, Pope Francis invites believers to raise their eyes toward the cross to receive astonishing mercy. Without it, the Christian life would become deaf, unable to move the love of God with gratitude and unheard love.

To go from the joy of welcoming the pain of condemning and crucifying Jesus who entered Jerusalem: Palm Sunday prayer puts us ahead of this surprising paradox every year, as well as embodied in the attitude of the audience. “These people followed the Messianic image more than the Messiah. They admired Jesus but they were not ready to surprise him», Analyzes Pope, who is definitely looking for admiration, his tastes and expectations and opens up from surprise to novelty. But praise does not change the heart, it is not enough. Deciding to follow Christ must go from admiration to surprise.

The palms and cross are lost together

Jesus marvels at his destruction; He gains fame only by taking the path of insults. “It is astonishing: to see the Almighty without diminishing anything (…), to see the King of kings hanging for his throne. See the cosmic god who removed everything. (2) Why this shame? Lord, why did you allow yourself to do all this?»

«Touching down our human reality, our whole being, all our suffering going“Christ.”Climb the cross to descend into our suffering“To test our emotions, to experience our most obvious contradictions and our shameful weaknesses in their flesh to change them,” Franకోois explained.

“Now we know that we are not alone: ​​God is with us in every wound and in every fear: there is no evil, no end to sin. God wins, but the palm of victory passes through the cross. That is why the palms and crosses go together. ”

Move yourself with the love of God

It’s a pity to ask for a surprise, because without it, the Christian life would be over “Gray»,Deaf», Not being able to experience the miracle of grace, tasting the bread of life, seeing the beauty of the brethren and the gift of creation.

“During this Holy Week, lift our eyes toward the cross to receive amazing grace. St. Francis of Assisi, looking at the crucified, was shocked that his brothers were not weeping. And can we, with the love of God, let ourselves be moved? Why don’t we know now how surprised he was before? It may be because our faith is eroded by habit. Maybe we lock in our remorse and let ourselves be frozen by our dissatisfaction. (3) Behind this “probably” we cannot open ourselves to the gift of the Spirit, which gives us surprising grace. ”

By allowing himself to amaze Jesus, one comes back to life, and realizes that his greatness lies in knowing that he is loved and in his turn in loving beauty. “By welcoming a rejected person with astonished kindness, (…) we understand that we love Jesus.», Abbreviated as Franకోois.

And to end his righteousness with what he thought “A very beautiful symbol of surprise»: Roman centurion watching Jesus die. “It is a wonder before God who knows how to fill even death with love. In this free, unheard love, the Centurion, the pagan, finds God.

“Today God is astonishing our minds and our hearts. Let this surprise come upon us, and when we see the crucified man, let us also say: “You really are the Son of God. You are my God “.”

Once again this year, the procession erupted and took place on Palm Sunday Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica, at the Pulpit altar, in front of a small gathering of believers, in line with the anti – Kovid security measures in place.

Palm Sunday Mass

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