March 18, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Papillomavirus vaccine limits risks

Le vaccin contre le papillomavirus pourrait sauver de nombreuses personnes.

A new study has shown a clear reduction in cervical cancer in women who have been vaccinated against papillomavirus.

The butterfly effect has never lived up to its name. In fact, a study Published in the Scientific Journal The Lancet Proved that now Vaccine against papillomavirus infection It significantly reduces the risk of cervical cancer in women. Funded by Cancer Research UK, This study is the result of 13 years of research UK.

A vaccine that severely reduces the risk of cancer

Our study provides the first direct evidence of the effectiveness of the vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) by bivalent vaccine cervix on the frequency of cervical cancer. “, Underline the authors of this new scientific study. In detail, the researchers found that women in their twenties who were vaccinated against papillomavirus between the ages of 12 and 13 had a 87% lower cervical cancer rate than those who were not vaccinated.

Although the effectiveness of the vaccine has been known for years and the appearance of pre-existing lesions, the results of this recent study Significant reduction in cervical cancer cases Since the British vaccination campaign began in the 2000s, this decline has been particularly noticeable in women who have been vaccinated before the age of 12 or 13 years.

The study, however, agrees with some limitations on these results. True, researchers logically expect a limited number of cancers at this age. In fact, people who were vaccinated in the 2000s are no more than 25 years old today. Therefore it is necessary to monitor those who have been vaccinated in the coming years to study the frequency of cancers over time.

In addition, the study initially considered only women who had benefited from the vaccine in the British campaign, i.e. with the laboratory GSJ’s cervix vaccine. Today, this solution has been replaced by the Gordazil vaccine from Merck.