(Austin, Texas) Green everywhere. Pans, like in the spring of 2012. Horns, more horns. Even the driver of the large black SUV, the Sporting Bull Horns – not the most casual costume on the American left – took the time to sound his horn in support of the protesters.
Guillaume Lefrancois
Welcome to Austin, the capital of Texas, but also to the city that is breaking any bias we have about Lone Star State. Joe Biden achieved his best result (71.6%) in 254 counties in the state in the recent presidential election here in Travis County.
Photo by Gilloum Lefranois, Press
Pro-choice protesters gather in Austin, Texas
And here, for the second day in a row, protesters expressed their dissatisfaction with the Supreme Court’s decision to rescind the row. Wade defended the right to abortion.
“In essence, we’re stuck,” Slice Leandra, a performer, met on the spot.
Photo by Gilloum Lefranois, Press
Leandra, protester
This is going to affect a lot of women in Texas. It’s upsetting. Many women like me spent the last day crying because we could not believe such a thing would happen.
Leandra, protester
Leandra’s sign that we read “Mary has a choice” stands for sometimes ridiculous, often obvious messages.
“I follow Catholic4choice Instagram account [Catholique pro-choix] And I saw a similar message, she said. I grew up in a Catholic environment and attended pro-life rallies with my parents. So I was always immersed in Catholicism. But when I was 16, I started doing my research on feminism and I became a feminist, and it helped keep me away from some toxic beliefs. ⁇
Photo by Gilloum Lefranois, Press
In the distance, the Texas State Capital in Austin
So we guess she did not take part in the show with the blessing of her parents. “I’m from San Antonio. If my parents knew I was here, they would be really angry,” she confirms.
Bee Browning, another performer, held up a placard that read, “Vasectomas prevent abortions.”
Photo by Gilloum Lefranois, Press
Bee Browning, protester
“This is a very big issue. I’ve been to university and if I’m pregnant, I’m going to have to give up, she explains. I have to give up everything. I’m fighting for my rights and the rights of others.
From Argentina to Texas
Hundreds of people bravely faced the heat on Saturday to perform in downtown Austin. Mercury reached 39 ° C in late afternoon, before the official start of March.
“I was a little disappointed, there were thousands of us yesterday. Where did the people go?” Said one of the women with a green head scarf over her microphone.
This scarf comes from Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, which advocates for women’s right to abortion. Coco Das, one of the event organizers, explained that Green was inspired by the “pro-choice movement in Argentina”.
Photo by Gilloum Lefranois, Press
Coco Das (right) addressed the protesters.
These women did not give up their rights in Argentina and won. It spread to Colombia and Mexico, where women took to the streets and claimed rights. So we’re taking the torch here.
Coco Das
After a rally in front of the Texas Parliament, protesters marched on Congress Street and marched to Austin police headquarters. A demonstration under police surveillance, the overflow was not observed during the passage Press .
Photo by Gilloum Lefranois, Press
Various messages were placed on the placards. “Forty-eight years in the trash”, we can read separately.
Language, on the other hand, leaves no doubt about the ideas of the performers. “F *** Greg Abbott,” protesters chanted in chorus, referring to the state’s Republican governor.
Atmosphere of distrust
No overflow, so the tension is clear. The protest was being held in front of the Texas Legislature headquarters, but the gates were closed and the protesters were moved to the trail and 11 traffic lanes.E The street around the building. Heavy police reinforcements on the other side of the fence.
Photo by Gilloum Lefranois, Press
“Why do guns have more rights than I do? Asks this protester.
At the microphone, one of the operators unpacks a series of tips. “Stay hydrated, water bottles will be distributed,” he announced before handing over the phone number of the legal aid service to those in need.
“Tell me your name if the police stop but want nothing more.” If your phone is locked with Facial Recognition technology, create a passcode, because if they lock your device, they will need to place it in front of your face to gain access. ⁇
Austin may be the blue oasis of the state, but Bee Browning is cautious.
“I was here yesterday, it seemed safe, but I’m still under my protection, because during the Black Lives Matter protests, I knew there were instances of police brutality. .