January 11, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Radio 8 Ordnance | Despite the steady rate of incidents, ARS fears an increase in hospitalization in the coming days

Radio 8 Ordnance |  Despite the steady rate of incidents, ARS fears an increase in hospitalization in the coming days

Despite the steady rate of incidents, ARS fears an increase in hospitalization in the coming days

With an incidence rate of nearly 221 cases per 100,000 residents this Thursday evening, which corresponds to 586 new infections in the last 7 days, the health condition in the Ardennes కనిపి seems to have stabilized, although this rate is no longer declining. Some days, there are more. However, if it does not fall, unlike the regional incidence rate, which has risen to 225 cases per 100,000 residents, the national rate has also increased significantly in recent days.

Unfortunately, these are far more worrying than just the numbers and the situation on Earth. The situation in the hospital is really a matter of concern to the health authorities in Ardennes.

We take stock with Guillaume Mafrey, regional representative of ARS

The increase in hospital care is not a consequence of festive gatherings, but in fact the arrival of different variants of the coronavirus in our territory. Therefore this department is preparing to target its different types, with its laboratories. To this day, none of these variants are known in the Ardennes, due to our current impossibility to identify them.