October 12, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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Recovery plan | Deadlock was overturned in the U.S. Senate, but negotiations were not over

Recovery plan |  Deadlock was overturned in the U.S. Senate, but negotiations were not over

(Washington) The U.S. Senate engaged in lengthy talks on Friday to approve the nearly $ 1900 billion stimulus package sought by the new president’s top priority, Joe Biden.

Julie Chabanas
France Media Agency

After nine hours of paralysis, Democrats and the White House were able to persuade a moderate senator to vote on the hallmark of this gigantic aid plan, which severely damaged the world’s first economy with the pandemic.

“This agreement allows us to move forward with the American stimulus plan that is most urgently needed,” the White House announced in the wake of its spokesman Jen Saki ruling by voice.

But the talks are far from over.

The senators are preparing to launch the “Vote-a-Rama”, during which time they can propose amendments and vote on each. Opportunity to submit his complaints to the Republican opposition who did not consider these actions too costly and adequate.

But the Democrats have a narrow majority in the Senate and their leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday persuaded them to approve the plan “this week,” including 4,400 checks for millions of Americans, as well as $ 350 billion in aid to states and local associations.

The text returns to the Democratic-majority House of Representatives for a final vote, before it is approved by President Biden.

Enthusiasm created by good employment figures in the United States was unveiled on Friday, but the spring is a sign of a small-financial boom.

Bars and restaurants are taking over

In February, 379,000 jobs were created, almost three times more than in January, the Labor Department announced this morning.

It will still take time to return to the pre-pandemic level: 18 million Americans are receiving benefits even after losing their jobs or seeing their income fall.

Without agreement on the stimulus plan, millions of aid will end in mid-March.

“At this rate, it will take two years for the nails to return,” he warned, before regaining the February 2020 level.

Bars and restaurants, especially those that have suffered since the crisis began, hired more last month. Prohibition of indoor service has actually been relaxed in some areas.

Along with other activities related to entertainment and accommodation, health services, retail and manufacturing have also created new locations.

And the country’s businesses are putting themselves on the war footing for the announced micro-economic boom.

Since the spring, consumption should actually skyrocket, driven by vaccines made at full speed, and through public aid distributed since the crisis began, along with falling costs, Americans have filled bank accounts, especially the more affluent.

According to Joe Biden, the good job creation figures were approved in late December due to a precisely $ 900 billion stimulus plan and signed by his predecessor Donald Trump.

Without new aids, all of this would “slow down”, he warned, “we can’t take a step forward and take two steps back.”

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