Three of them, Micro Brewery El Hoppera in Zonquier, Summum Bistro-Cafe in Chikoutimi and Lock-Saint-Jean’s Micro Brewery in Saint-Gordian, Jimmy Wire, party manager in the area, said there were no activists. Welcome.
On Eric Duheim’s Facebook page, it can be seen on Friday that the three events planned at these companies on July 13th and 14th have been removed from the agenda.
Concerned tenants have condemned the approach he used when the party’s regional manager, Jimmy Voir, made reservations. He was well known on the phone, but failed to say that reservations were for a partisan rally.
On his Facebook page, Hopera owner Vladimir Antonov went there for a picnic in good condition. He explained that values are important to his business beliefs and values.
In an interview on Friday afternoon, Vladimir Antonov added some. He did not appreciate the party’s policy and reminded that even though his restaurant was an open space, the management had the choice to decide whether it wanted to be a platform for political activity.
Yes, Hopera is public, but it remains a private company. Sometimes we have values and Mr. Duheim’s values are not the same as ours. So, knowing that there was a political rally in the house unknowingly, we took a leap
, He he said. Through the customers themselves, Brewer decided to act after seeing an ad that happily spent an hour on Hoppera on Eric Duheim’s Facebook page.
Vladimir Antonoff adds that when Jimmy Voir was contacted to say that the Conservative forces were not welcome in his home, the abolition was not very popular.
We were referred to events that we did for political parties. We made our own with colleagues and we said: No, it doesn’t entice us. Apparently, the conversation ended very badly. Do we get bad publicity? It is possible. Are we going to live with it? Absolutely. We were not at first error at Hopera. But living with values and beliefs is the same and we will ume to the end.
The name Eric Duheim was never mentioned
Organizer Jimmy Voir admitted that Chef Duheim did not mention his presence when he booked.
I never mentioned that the Chief was going to attend. Maybe it could cause controversy. I said it was for PCQ, but I did not say the leader should be there. I think maybe you will respond a little bit
, He agreed.
He denies threatening restaurants that failed him, saying his team would give them a bad press. Tour organizer Eric Duheim agreed to tell one of them The culture of dissolution is a two-player game
Our goal is to introduce small entrepreneurs. When I reserve, I always reserve in my name and say it is for a political rally, it is for the Quebec Conservative Party. We always took our reservations without any problems. Since this morning, we have had cascade cancellations
, He said, he understood that different restaurants should not be associated, Either way, to the Quebec Conservative Party
We are talking about private companies. They are absolutely in their right to reject or accept whomever they want. But as soon as we decide to boycott a particular party, we get into the political game. It changes the game. Either we reject it all or accept it all
Jimmy Voire, the People’s Party of Canada’s candidate in the 2019 election, is also on the board of directors of the now-defunct Municipal Political Party Alliance, led by Dominic Gagnon.
A plot, according to the Chief
Eric Duheim responded at the end of the day. He opined that the cancellation of restaurant exits and reservations came from plots devised by other political parties.
I understand that our political opponents, when it was exposed, started harassing the owners of these companies and threatening them. Some came out to say they were no longer willing to accept them. I don’t like to take it out on restaurant owners. It has been a very difficult year for Quebec restaurants. The last thing I wanted was to hurt them.
Eric Duheim adds that in a democracy, all parties and their ideologies have their place. Conservative party leader and former radio host directly attacked Jonquier MP Sylvain Goudralt, who praised the restaurant owners’ decision on social media.
I do not agree with Mr. Goudralt, I am not a PQ. That being said, he has the right to introduce himself, he has the right to speak to his people and they have the right to meet. We live in a democracy. Before I became a Conservative, I was a Democrat in the first place, and it frustrates me that my opponents put their partisan interests before the meaning of democracy.
, Continued Eric Duheim, whose party now includes National Assembly member and former coquist Claire Samson.
Eric Duheim believes that other organizations will be ready to hold traditional meetings. Currently, the only confirmed destination for Chef Duheim and his troops in Sagune-Lock-Saint-Jean is restaurant captain Bob de Roberwall. The restaurant does not take reservations and the owner, Sebastian Bouchard, does not intend to turn them down if the Conservative forces show up at his home.
One party or another are the same. They all have the same agenda. It’s Masquerade and they are all puppets
, The owner decided.
With Michelle Goudrow, Gilles Munger and Kenza Chafic
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