March 14, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

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Return to the country of Malian’s mother and her nonplets

Return to the country of Malian's mother and her nonplets

The Malian mother, who was born in Morocco in May 2021, and her nonplents, five girls and four boys, arrived in Bamako in good health on Tuesday, the health minister told AFP.

• Also Read: The mother and her nine children are doing well; No release for two months

“Happiness and satisfaction that they are in good health. The children and the mother arrived in Mali safely. The state has kept its Alhamdaulilah (thanks to God) commitments,” Minister Diminatou Sangare said in a message to AFP.

She announced her arrival in Bamako on her Facebook page, with photos of nine children, including one she was holding in her arms, and photos of two parents.

Halima Cisse, a young woman from Timbuktu (North), gave birth to five girls and four boys in May 2021 after being transferred from Bamako to Casablanca in late March 2021 to further embrace these multiple risks. pregnancy

Experts were concerned about his health and the embryos’ chances of survival, but eventually all were born in good health and followed up to that point in Morocco.

“This is a first, a source of pride for all. Thank you for the position of the Moroccan team”, Ms. Sangare underlined.