There is a risk of severe thunderstorms
Today, severe thunderstorms will occur in Quebec. A low pressure system will spread across the district. The path of the front can produce some particles, the strongest of which are found in Outauis, Abitibi and Temiscamingue. Areas further east may also see action, although there is less risk.
Chance of hail, strong winds, tornadoes
These particles can also create the potential for strong winds, hail and tornadoes in southeastern Ontario. Current models indicate that the risk extends over much of Quebec. The Abitbi sector is particularly affected by the risk of large hail.
But the area to watch is near the Ontario border. Although temperatures will remain cool and the atmosphere will be low in energy, the front is ripe for thunderstorms.
And still raining
It also rains in southern Quebec. Estrie will therefore receive up to 30 mm of rain and Nord-du-Québec up to 50 mm, especially around Chibougamau.
In collaboration with Alexandra Giroux, meteorologist.
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