They are in the population exposed to severe forms of coronavirus … In intensive care units, one in two Kovid-19 patients has ob arrears. However, those with ese arrears were not eligible for the vaccine until the end. From February 25, people over the age of 50 can be vaccinated.
Of course, they don’t necessarily know and like the rest of the population, the lack of vaccines and getting appointments can be difficult. And especially under the age of 50 they are still waiting.
“I heard Mr. Costex talking about people who were of priority. Very foolishly I said I was with myself.”
Problem for communities. They condemned the campaign for not going fast enough and not giving priority to those in arrears. For a year, Anne-Sophie Jolie lived at home as a cloister. She suffers from esophagus and is aware that she is at risk of developing a severe form of Kovid-19.
“I personally do not want to find myself in the Shivs, nor do I want to say goodbye to everyone. As soon as a vaccine is available I am in favor, I will. I will wait. My vaccine.”
She thought she could be vaccinated quickly, but in the end she didn’t deserve it.
“I heard Mr. Costex talking about people who were a priority. Very foolishly I told myself I was in it. I did not qualify for Pfizer or Estrogenek. I must have missed it. One episode, why aren’t we in it?”
Absurdity of League President Agnes Mourin against Ob arrears. Ese said vaccination of those with arrears is a priority.
“Today we are vaccinating the elderly. The population is declining (in Shivs). If we want to unlog hospitals, it is imperative to vaccinate these people.”
Less than half of hospital deaths from Kovid-19 are due to obese patients.
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