September 7, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Symptom spread of coronavirus appears to be ‘very rare’

Symptom spread of coronavirus appears to be ‘very rare’

World Health Organization officials said Monday that people with coronavirus but not showing symptoms do not spread the infection.

At a news conference in Geneva, WHO’s Head of Emerging Diseases and Zoology, Dr. Maria von Kerkov said, “From the data we have, it is very unlikely that an unidentified person is actually transmitted to a secondary person. CNBC reports.

“It’s very rare.”

Health officials initially warned that asymptomatic carriers might trigger the outbreak – but van Gerkov says that asymptomatic spread Can This is not the main way the virus is transmitted.

“We have a number of reports from countries that do very detailed communication tracking,” he said.

“They follow asymptomatic cases. They follow the contacts. And they did not find a secondary exchange. It’s very rare, ”he said.

He said governments should focus on their efforts to identify and isolate those who are infected – and then monitor anyone who can interact with them.

“What we really want to focus on is the follow up of symptom events,” Van Gerkov said.

He added that the company is still trying to get “additional information” from various countries to “truly respond” to whether the virus could be spread by asymptomatic carriers.

“If we really follow all of the symptom cases, we isolate those cases, follow the contacts, and isolate those contacts … which will drastically reduce the spread,” he said.

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