Tesla released its first diversity report on Friday, which found that the U.S. leadership of automakers is 83 percent male, and 59 percent white. The Diversification, Equity and Inclusion Impact Report It shows that men make up 79 percent of Tesla’s workforce and women 21 percent.
“Although women have historically been under-represented in the tech and automotive industries, we have found that we have work to do in this area,” the report said. “Increasing the representation of women at all levels, especially in leadership, is the first priority in 2021.”
The company acknowledged in a report that black employees were under-represented – only 10 percent of the workforce and 4 percent of Tesla’s leadership was black or African-American. “We know that our numbers do not represent the deep pool of black and African American talent in the U.S. at every level,” the report said.
The company said it would hire 12 percent of black and African-American employees in 2020, a 9 percent increase from 2019. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) plans to hold more appointments and offer its managers. And recruiters with unconscious bias training, according to the report.
Asian employees make up 21 percent of Tesla’s workforce and 25 percent of company leadership, and Hispanic or Latino / Latina employees make up 22 percent of its total workforce, but only 4 percent of the leadership.
Tesla’s report is somewhat incomplete; It does not describe attrition or retention rates at the company, nor does it provide details on how many of its employees are identified as binary or gender or how many are identified as having a disability.
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