Paradox: Viral circulation is declining in all segments of the Grand Estate (see epidemiological point below) but the circulation of variants is increasing with great disparities between segments.
The SARS-CoV2 virus monitors the viral transmission of variants of interest (due to their high transmissibility, their virus or reduced vaccine capacity), the so-called “British” variant (20I / 501Y.V1, UK) and the newly known “South Africa” (20H / 501Y.V2, ZA) and “Brazilian” (20J / 501Y.V3, BR) variants are produced using two devices:
- Flash surveys conducted by volunteers from various locations, including Public Health France, the National Reference Center for Acute Respiratory Infections (CNR) and the Network of Medical Biology, Hospital and City Laboratories, Grand Estate
- Public Health France’s analysis of the results of screening tests conducted by medical biology laboratories has entered the screening system (SIDEP), which has been used to monitor viral transmission since mid-May 2020.
Sequencing analysis of sample sequencing results from the second flash survey conducted on January 27th and 6 medical biology laboratories in the Grand Est region is in progress and will be available soon. The 3Th Flash survey conducted Tuesday, February 16.
In addition, from the results reported by Grand Est’s Medical Biology Laboratories on February 18 and during the 7 rolling days from February 9 to 15, Public Health France counted 6,425 screening tests, of which 1,619 were suspected to be 20I / 501Y.V1 (UK) variant, ie 25.2% of the tests (39.5% nationally) and 1,307 with suspicion of 20H / 501Y.V2 (ZA) or 20J / 501Y variants. V3 (BR) or 20.3% were tested (nationally 5.3%).
As of February 12, of all screening tests, suspicions of the 20I / 501Y.V1 (UK) variant were 16.2% and 20H / 501Y.V2 (ZA) or 20J / 501Y.V3 (BR) 9.7%.
These figures confirm the circulation of variations of interest in this area, with great disparities between sections. The 20I / 501Y.V1 (UK) variant is now mainly aired in the Abu segment and significantly across most regions in the region, ranging from 8% in the Voges segment to 36% in the Basrin segment.
The 20H / 501Y.V2 (ZA) or 20J / 501Y.V3 (BR) variants radiate more locally in Moselle’s segments (Figure 2), which are now dominated by Meerte-at-Moselle (18%), Hot-Morn (17) %), Voges (15%) and Hot-Rin (14%).
Viral strain (so-called wild strain or new variants) However, it is important to remember:
- Be sure to respect barrier and social distance signals to limit the risks of outbreaks,
- Self-isolate and test without delay when showing Kovid-19 signs.
- Respect loneliness when you test positive,
- Respect the period of quarantine identified as an acquaintance at risk in the confirmed case of Kovid-19.
- Absolutely respectful and, in all circumstances, barrier and social distance gestures to limit the risk of pollution.
The virus is still circulating, which is dangerous for us and our loved ones, Especially in the case of the emergence of new variants of the virus. Despite being vaccinated, it is good to be vigilant and respect preventative measures.
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