October 22, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The end of queues in transit?

The end of queues in transit?


Video Length: 3 min

Facial recognition: the end of queues in transport?

Facial recognition: the end of queues in transport? – (France 2)

Facial recognition is coming to transportation. What are the benefits to consumers and what are the risks to their privacy? Response items.

Transport is now getting recognized. At Lyon Saint-Exupéry Airport (Rhône), this tool, in a test phase, will be used to reduce waiting times. The machine records their face along with their passport. No need to present your boarding pass or identification documents. The system knows how to identify users. The airport application also allows the use of facial recognition.

Concern about personal data protection

However, this tool worries privacy defenders. Facial recognition is still in the testing phaseLyon Saint-Exupéry Airport (Rhône). At St Pancras Station in London (United Kingdom), business passengers can also use facial recognition when using Eurostar. “It’s a proven technique that works.”, Eurostar Group Stations Director Simon Lejeune assured. French stations do not offer facial recognition.

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