January 2, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The first 100% electric snowmobile in Shavinigan?

The first 100% electric snowmobile in Shavinigan?

The first 100% electric snowmobile, by Taiga Motors, is under development and will soon be produced in Marisi.

Currently, the company is building its equipment at its pilot plant in Montreal, but TVA Novelles has learned that it may soon set up its assembly plant in Shavinigan.

The plant is expected to produce over 50,000 units a year, mostly creating 50 jobs in the region.

The company’s three co-founders began their career five years ago, on the campus of the Shavinigan Entrepreneurship Center, when they recently graduated from McGill University. Entrepreneurs want to get back to where they started.

Location revealed next week?

Taiga Motors has confirmed that it will release more details on the location of its plant. For its part, the city of Schavignon is reluctant to take on work that has been left out of the rest of the projects, but many potential locations, such as the new Alice-Asseline Industrial Park on the Saint-Georges-de-Champlain, are large enough to accommodate such business.

In December 2020, the City assured that the potential of such a project would be very natural for Shavinigan.

Especially since mid-February, Taiga Motors has merged and started construction of a plant in Quebec with a $ 200 million investment from a group in Vancouver.

Businesses in the area are eagerly awaiting the arrival of electric snowmobiles.

“This is the future for open ts enthusiasts! We have been sending emails to Taiga Motors for at least two years to get their technology. If we are talking about the same project that is under development, it will be positive for the region, ”said Maxim Gervais, co-owner of Maxim Location.

This April, Taiga Motors will go public on the Toronto Stock Exchange, valued at over half a billion dollars.

The area therefore hopes that the current will flow between this area and this young company.