March 18, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The G7 is fun … behind Putin

The G7 is fun ... behind Putin

At the opening of the G7 summit in Germany, great world leaders spent Sunday having fun about the viral image that Russian President Vladimir Putin willingly displayed, wondering if he could take off his jackets or do more.

“Do we keep jackets? Will we remove them? British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was seated at a desk in Elmau Castle, Germany, hosted by Chancellor Olaf Schల్lz, who is hosting leaders of the United States, Canada and Great Britain from Germany, France, Italy, Japan and the European Union.

The Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has suggested waiting for an official photo to be taken off the jacket, but Boris Johnson has begun: “We must show that we are stronger than Putin”. And the joke inspires others.

Referring to Vladimir Putin’s famous photo shoot with a bare chest on a horse in 2009, Mr. Trudeau added, “We are going to be treated with a demonstration of bare-chest riding.”


“Horseback riding is best,” said Ursula van der Leyen, president of the European Commission – the only woman present at the conference – who clearly answered the question about clothing.

“We have to show them our pecks,” Boris Johnson insisted.

Finally dressed, simply removing ties, the seven leaders occupied their place on the podium for a traditional family photo.