October 18, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The number of first-time vaccinators against Kovid‌ collapses in Drem and Ardeche

Une personne en train de se faire vacciner contre le coronavirus (illustration).

The statistics speak for themselves: the number of first injections of Kovid vaccines over several weeks Gradually decreasing in drum and ardechel. According to Health Ministry figures, 5,000 people received their first injection in Ardeche during the week of June 14, up from about 6,400 the week before and more than 9,600 the week before. With more than 12,000 first-time injections, the May 10 week peak is far away. The dynamics on the drum are exactly the same: more than 9,000 first injections during the week of June 14, against 12,000 per week and 16,000 the week before. Here, too, we are away from the maximum of the first 29,000 doses in the week of May 10th.

Ministry of Health Statistics
Ministry of Health Statistics
Ministry of Health Statistics

Some centers are idle

Despite this decrease in new vaccines, many centers are now grateful for the second dose, which now indicates a higher percentage of activity. But In some centers, complexes are having trouble finding recipients. Go to DoctoLib to see Dozens of appointments are available At the centers of Montelimar (drum) and Annone and Vance (Ardeche). “It simply came to our notice then, Identified Sebastian Godilhe, vice president of the South Ardeche Regional Occupational Health Association. There are a lot of free appointments, we give a lot of second doses, but the vaccine feels less attractive because there are not many in the primary vaccines. “ Furthermore, the number of people who need to be vaccinated is still very large. Half of the residents of Drem and Ardeche did not receive the vaccine dose.

Why this dissatisfaction?

Go out on the street Find explanations for this slowdown in the vaccine campaign. “Kovid statistics get a little better every day. We reopen everything. Suddenly we tell ourselves that the chances of catching the virus are very low.”, Explains the young Valentinois. Others believe they are adequately protected with mask and barrier gestures, some worry about the side effects of vaccines, and then there are always vaccine-skeptics.

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