October 10, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The pandemic: It’s time to think about young people

The pandemic: It’s time to think about young people

Of the many clumsy effects of this epidemic, one that we have rarely talked about, however, is the most important: the rise of tensions between generations.

Read also – The pandemic: Not so easy for young people’s morale

Yesterday, on a program I hosted on QUB Radio, columnist and journalist Jerome Blanchett-Gravel (Legalt examines the government’s approach to combating the epidemic very critically) touched on this topic.

“Last year, Quebec was governed by people aged 65 and over,” he told me. They are very vulnerable. But we can not go on like this for long. At some point, you have to tell the elderly to stay home, and allow the low – risk young people to lead a comparison of normal life … “

Yes, I know: Question is forbidden. We are dealing with a sensitive subject here.

Most of us young people (why we detained young people even in primary school) are wondering, but the elderly are at risk.

Okay, boomer?

In France, it was an economic journalist who dared to break the silence.

In a text published in the journal Marianne, The time has come for those with white hair to show solidarity between generations, says Denise Laffey.

“Retirees are one of the few social groups whose livelihoods do not change and the weather does not shake the tsunami. Today, do beneficiaries have a moral obligation to participate in the effort of solidarity?

“Seniors are not responsible for the pandemic, and any tainted temptations need to be addressed. But they have a responsibility to pacify the atmosphere and fill the gaps left open for future generations.

“It’s a climate where their adults are more likely to release and pay the environmental bill, as well as address the epidemic crisis.”

The end of the wall

Guaranteed for sure: It’s not about asking retirees to put their pockets in and open their wallets (after all, just because you have white hair doesn’t mean you’re in danger. Being financially comfortable, the reality is that it keeps reminding us).

Relaxing restraining rules for minors to breathe.

Citing a survey that the majority of French people (56%) fear an intergenerational conflict following this cursed pandemic, Denise Lafayette suggests that governments stop imposing wall-to-wall tensions and anger. On the part of young adults, asking vulnerable people (65 and older) for self-isolation.

As I said above, this is a unanimous question.

But can we at least talk about it?

The young people showed solidarity with the adults.

It is time for the movement to reverse.

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