January 10, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The situation in the Chowder-Appalaches continues to be worrisome

The situation in the Chowder-Appalaches continues to be worrisome

The health situation in Chowder-Appalach‌s continues to deteriorate, with many more cases than the Quebec average.

Also read: All the consequences of the epidemic

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Also read: Kovid-19: Downward trend in Quebec

Minister Christian Dubey said since the call, demand for the public health vaccine has increased by 15%.

“There were also clients who already had an appointment, so when they arrived they said to us: ‘Ah! I’ll have an estrogen instead of Pfizer,'” said the head of the CISSS vaccination program at the Chowder-Appalachs in Clemens Ovelet.

However, the epidemiological situation in this area is of concern.

In addition to another daily report on the increase, 74 businesses and 29 daycare centers or schools are emerging.

According to INSPQ, the Buseron area is currently the regional hub of the epidemic.

“Over the past week, we have seen a slight decline in last week’s average, the daily average, in the Quebec area, but it’s on the rise in Beauce. So, this is a barbaric awakening for the Chowder-Appalachians people and especially Beauce,” explains Christian practitioner.

On Saturday, on the streets of St. Georges, hundreds of citizens demonstrated against health measures.

“There are people from Montreal, there are people from Blaineville, there are people from Saint-Hyacinth, there are people everywhere! We saw this through the reaction of some citizens in the style of demonstrators, one can say that this is not great love between citizens and some demonstrators,” said St. George’s Mayor Claude. Maureen confirmed.