March 14, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

“There will be inspections and sanctions”

La campagne de vaccination a commencé en janvier 2021 (ici à la clinique Tivoli de Bordeaux).

“We were not particularly concerned.” Benoit Ellebood, ARS director of Novel-Aquitaine, is of the opinion that the responsibility for the vaccine in this area on Monday should be well respected on Wednesday, the date of its implementation in the region. _“We vaccinated well”,_95% of liberal professionals (1% higher than the national average) received at least one dose of anti-covid vaccine, compared to 90% of nursing home staff on September 7. Two statistics, which could be underestimated, cited Benoit Ellebood at a press conference because some people, who have recently suffered from covid, for example, have to wait to be vaccinated.

In health institutions, we do not have a number, but in health institutions vaccination is estimated _Between 90 and 95% of people are vaccinated with at least one dose. “_ From late August to early September, 170 liberal general practitioners did not justify vaccinating with more than 6,500 health insurers. For professionals, more than 5,000 123.

In addition to statistics, several factors guarantee ARS: the liability is permanent, it does not stop at the end of the Health Pass application. “The only way to get rid of it is to stop exercising”, Benoît mentions Elleboode. And then more generally, “The system will not crash”, He believes that the only places where problems are expected are in some nursing homes and small companies.

“Fast, strong and comprehensive” control

Another strong argument: controls. By September 15, any employee at a health care facility must submit to his or her employer proof that he or she has received at least one proof of complete vaccination. An injection and a negative PCR test Less than 72 hours.

To others, especially liberal professionals, “We control quickly, firmly and comprehensively.” “I decided to be impatient” Benoît Elleboode continues: “Suspend immediate action, seize disciplinary room, seize health insurance, seize public prosecutor.” Surprise checks are performed by two, By ARS agents authorized to inspect directly at the Cabinet. Nearly 200 people can start these stages quickly after September 16th.

From the moment the Director-Coordinator of the National Health Insurance Fund at the regional level informed CNAM through the ARS that the practice was prohibited, “We may not be able to repay the care prescribed by this doctor or managed by this health professional in early 2022.”

Special case of anti-vaccine doctors

Benoit Ellebood takes away: “When we disagree, in the medical world, we do research! The tool for controversy is research!” Dr. Florence Granieri, regional vice-president of the Physicians Regulation, says it is contradictory because a physician prescribing vaccine resistance can go through the discipline room At least four articles on ethics. “We have identified some that are active”, Refers to this practitioner who practices in Lot-at-Garon‌.

“We revolve around 1-1.5% of anti-wax doctors” The general practitioners section of the URPS assesses the representative, Dr. Jean-Luc Delabant. “We are not worried about the 1% who are banned from exercising. We are more concerned about those who do not qualify for the third dose.”