Although the situation in ten hospitals in Quebec is "critical", the government does not intend to change the vaccine regimen...
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In the series of videos For me, for Quebec, The health organization relies on the support of individuals who are...
Second wave and everyday life The second wave of the Kovid-19 epidemic is once again damaging the daily life of...
When the “critical” limit of 1000 hospitals was crossed in Quebec on Thursday, experts and health professionals sounded the alarm:...
COVID-19 is definitely not a "flu", as some say at the outset: it kills three times more people in hospital...
CHU de Quebec's invitation to his employees to "come and lend a hand" rather than "stay home and repeat Christmas...
According to a new study published by the National Institutes of Public Health (INSPQ), COVID-19 patients spend an average of...
From next week, 975 new doses of the vaccine against COVID-19 can be given at five vaccination centers on the...
In response to criticism of Facebook's upcoming privacy changes, it shared "Waiting for our customers" in a statement. To the...
BEIJING - China ground crews have been standing for over 40 years to land the first new specimens of rocks...