This unusual looking space toilet is being tested by astronauts on the ISS. NASA Recently created Space toilet Provides better...
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TORONTO - New COVID-19 infections in Ontario have dropped to 600, the province recorded the highest number of single-day cases...
Some Ottawa business owners say they are disappointed with the latest round of restrictions on their operations in an attempt...
The Ontario government recently amended Ontario Regulation 364/20, Rules for Areas in Stage 3, Including mandatory COVID-19 symptom screening in...
Canadian politicians send congratulations to Donald Trump after the US president announced that he and his wife Melania had tested...
Ever since the revelation of Nintendo's latest Battle Royale game Super Mario Brothers35, Are there Some Comparisons made with a...
Pressure is mounting on the Quebec government to address the racism proven in the disturbing video recorded by Joyce Echoquan...
The Liberal government is spending $ 10 billion on infrastructure such as broadband, clean energy and agricultural projects - part...
TORONTO - Four major home care providers are urging the Ontario government to increase support for their sector, saying it...
BC health officials on Wednesday announced 125 new cases out of Kovid-19 cases. In a written statement, Provincial Health Officer...