March 17, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Trump defended the virus record at the first rally after the adoption of COVID-19

Trump defended the virus record at the first rally after the adoption of COVID-19

Sanford, FLA. – US President Donald Trump, who has always been contemptuous of the coronavirus, turned his first campaign rally on Monday into a full-fledged defense of his management of the pandemic that has killed 215,000 Americans since signing the COVID-19, joking that he was healthy enough to “give the big fat kiss to the people”.

Of the thousands who came to see Trump return to Florida, there was no social distance and the spot was wearing a mask. With only a few weeks left until election day, he stood for an hour trying to re-track his campaign.

Although he was hospitalized a week ago battling the virus, Trump’s message on COVID-19 has not changed since the confirmation: a skeptical prediction that the pandemic is only about one thing in the past. Hundreds of people die from the virus every day in the US.

“Under my leadership, we are delivering a safe vaccine and people are recovering unbelievably fast,” Trump insisted. “If you look at us, no country in the world has regained the way we have recovered.”

His voice is probably touch scratchy, otherwise, Trump is fine.

Deadly and deadly, he thanked the audience and declared that he was no longer contagious as he embarked on the campaign’s mania final expansion.

Trump insisted that after being given experimental drugs and other VIP treatment, he felt great and that he no longer had to worry about infection because he had “immunity”.

“I feel very powerful,” Trump said, not displaying clear signs of a chronic infection. “I’m going into that audience. I’m walking in there, I’m kissing all of that audience. I’m kissing guys and beautiful women … everyone. I’m giving big fat kisses.”

Those recovering from COVID-19 are more likely to gain immunity for a limited period of time, but cases of re-infection in people weeks or months later are emerging, the country’s top infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauzi told CNN on Monday. .

Although Trump is battling a deadly disease, it has struck just how little has changed. Threats to sideline members of the audience, the rally seemed to have many others in the general election battle against Democrat Joe Biden.

Trump has returned to his usual ways of attacking, blaming Democrats for “engagement and not retaliation and retaliation” and hyped “amazing progress” on virus treatment approaches. He promised that the third-quarter economy would be “record-setting” and that “normal life” would resume if it won in November, while Biden said the vaccine would delay and destroy the economy with a “brutal” lockdown.

When he was done, with his new departure song, The Village People “YMCA”, breaking through the loudspeakers, the President did what became his trademark dance, sending his fists in the batter for a while while the audience roared. But he kept his distance from the audience.

With three weeks to go before the election, Trump is trying to correct a stubborn deficit in national and battlefield state polling because he continues to spread false information about the virus.

This is in Florida, which is considered crucial to his chances of being re-elected. Trump defeated his 2016 rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton, by just 112,000 votes. Some recent polls suggest a close race in the state, while others put Democrat Joe Biden ahead.

Emphasizing the importance of Florida, Trump will return to the state for another rally on Friday, this time in Okala.

Trump’s Sanford rally was his first stop during a busy week featuring events in Pennsylvania, Iowa, North Carolina, Georgia and Wisconsin. The robust schedule highlights the need he faces to overcome self-inflicted setbacks, which have damaged his support base and provoked alarm among Republicans fearing defeat at the hands of White House Biden.

It comes amid questions that remain unanswered about the impact of traveling so far on the 74-year-old president’s health. The progression of COVID-19 is often unpredictable and may lead to chronic complications.

Following the lifting of Air Force One from Joint Base Andrews, the president’s doctor released an update on his health, saying Trump had tested negative for the virus and had done so for several days. His physician was Navy CMDR. Scott Conley, along with other data, including tests and viral load, have confirmed that Trump is not contagious.

The White House sidestepped questions about whether Trump tested negative. Conley said over the weekend that the president had met the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention standards to stop safe alone and that Trump was no longer considered a transmission hazard “by currently recognized standards”.

Although more than usual passengers on Air Force One appear to be wearing masks on board, including U.S. Secret Service agents and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, there are no new health precautions.

Trump’s decision to get back on track quickly has drawn criticism from Biden and other Democrats.

“President Trump is coming to Sanford today to deal with reckless behavior, divisive rhetoric and intimidation,” Biden said in a statement. “But, he failed to bring it about: there is no plan to get this virus that has claimed the lives of 15,000 Floridians.”

Trump has continued to ridicule Biden’s efforts to promote social distance in his campaigns, mocking the circles that Biden’s campaign uses to describe personal space as “crazy.”

“Very bad days are coming for him,” Trump said at another time.


Lemir from New York reported. St. Petersburg, fl. Kurt Anderson, author of the Associated Press in, contributed to the report.