President Trump on Tuesday urged House Republicans to oppose a law that extends the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, citing the misuse of the law against his 2016 campaign.
“I hope all Republican House members will not vote in FISA until our country can determine how and why the greatest political, criminal and worst corruption in US history has happened!” Trump Wrote on Twitter.
Trump’s call for action is a boon to privacy advocates in both parties, who have faced years of narrow defeats in their efforts to block government surveillance. But with Republicans in the minority in the House, they will need the support of left-wing Democrats who want to pass the Senate-passed bill. If the bill changes, it will go back to the Senate.
The bill was negotiated by Attorney General Bill Barr as part of the bill and passed by Senate 80-16. With the 59 votes in favor And one supporter, Chen of Vermont. Bernie Sanders, no, this rule failed.
Last week, Trump told The Post during a Capitol Hill press conference that the Senate talks: “I told you [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch [McConnell]Go ahead and do what you want. “
But Trump added: “No one has been abused more than Trump…. So I’m going to read it more. “
On Tuesday, before Trump reaffirmed Republican opposition, White House press secretary Kylie McNally responded to a question in a press conference with The Post, stating, “Any FISA president is worried. “
Trump faced divisive tensions within the Republican Party. Sen. Kentucky, of Kentucky.
“I think he was sympathetic to the idea that we need more reform, but we have no votes, basically,” Paul said last week. “I think he should [veto the bill], But I don’t think he does. “
It is unclear whether Trump’s request for further review of his campaign’s abuses will take a more specific form. Although Graham opposed Trump’s insistence on calling former President Barack Obama a witness, Sen. The Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Lindsay Graham (R-SC), is already reviewing the FBI’s Russia investigation.
On Tuesday, Trump took office on the new National Intelligence Director, former Texas Rep. John Radcliffe. In one of his final acts, former Trump adviser Michael Flynn called out Rick Grenell, the outgoing action director of the December 2016 invitations, and then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to FBI agents, including Peter Strazog, on those calls, though he argued that he did not deliberately lie.
Trump’s defenders are particularly opposed by Obama administration officials for “unraveling” Flynn’s identity under FISA, and the FBI has withheld information from FISA court on applications to track down former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found no evidence of a Trump-Russia partnership.
FISA became law after the watercourse on government surveillance. It sets up surveillance of suspected spies and terrorists, but privacy advocates say this is not enough. In 2013, former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed that the FISA court routinely authorized the pulling of domestic call records from telephone companies, which Congress terminated in 2015.
The pending bill’s reforms require the Attorney General to sign government officials’ scrutiny, and the FISA opens the door to additional external expert testimony before the court, where only government lawyers are usually represented.
The bill, which was pending last week, would allow “officials to use the FISA to investigate the presidential election. This is a terrible, horrific injustice. We should have tried to prevent it,” Paul said.
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