March 17, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

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Twitter will unblock Trump’s campaign account after the post initially stated violated terms

Twitter will unblock Trump's campaign account after the post initially stated violated terms

US President Donald Trump’s Twitter election campaign account has been unblocked after a social media site temporarily blocked a video posted about the son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden that violated his rules.

The video posted by the eTeamTrump account referred to a New York Post article from Wednesday, which included details of Hunter Biden’s business dealings with the Ukrainian energy company, and said the former vice president had met with the company’s adviser.

The Trump campaign, with 2.2 million followers, said in a new tweet that “you don’t want to see a Twitter video being re-posted.” Twitter did not respond to a request for comment on why the account was unblocked.

Biden’s campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement that Republican – led Senate committees had previously ruled that Joe Biden had committed no wrongdoing in relation to Ukraine.

The video was titled “Joe Biden is a liar, he has been looting our country for years”.

Twitter claimed the video violated its rules against posting private information, requiring the account to be deleted to continue tweeting.

Trump threatened to sue

“It all ends in a big lawsuit and things are going to be very serious, I’m going to see it happen, but it has to happen,” Trump said when asked about the move on Twitter.

Twitter on Wednesday reported that Post Story violated its “hacked materials” policy, which impedes the distribution of content obtained through hacking that contains private information or trade secrets, or the risk of physical harm to the public.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said in a tweet on Wednesday that “our communication about our actions on the Enipost article is not great and with zero context on why we are blocking URL sharing via tweet or DM: not acceptable.”

Facebook and Twitter took active measures to prevent it from spreading within hours of the post story being published on Wednesday.

Twitter imposed similar restrictions on the account of White House Press Secretary Kylie McEnney on Wednesday after she shared her post story.

Other Twitter users, including the journalist, said their accounts were suspended because they posted a link to the New York Post story. Accounts are unblocked after deleting unwanted tweets.

Twitter and Facebook can face subponas

Following the imposition of Twitter sanctions, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee moved to Subpoena Dorsey.

Committee chairs Lindsay Graham, Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Howley said the committee would vote on sending the subpona on Tuesday, October 20, and plan to put Dorsey before the committee by October 23.

Haley called to send a subpona to Facebook.

“We finally have a very outdated accounting,” Graham said. “It crystallizes the problem more than I could have imagined.”

The CEOs of Twitter, Facebook and Google of Alphabet Inc. are also set to appear before a Senate Commerce Committee later this month to discuss Section 230 – a valuable legal immunity that Internet companies enjoy, protecting them from liability over content posted to tech companies. By customers.

Calls are mounting to reform Section 230 and impose fines on tech companies, but this year Congress is unlikely to take action on the law.