March 14, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

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US election: Trump will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses to Biden-National

US election: Trump will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses to Biden-National

President of the United States Donald Trump Wednesday refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if it loses the November 3 presidential election.

“We’re going to see what happens,” Trump said at a news conference, answering the question of whether he is committed to a peaceful transfer of power. “You know I’m complaining so loudly about ballots, and ballots are a disaster.”

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Trump tweeted months of campaigning against mail-in voting this November and spoke critically about the practice. More states are promoting mail-in voting to keep voters safe amid the coronavirus epidemic.

The president, who uses mail-in voting himself, has tried to differentiate between states that automatically send mail ballots to all registered voters. Florida, Will send them only to voters requesting a mail ballot.

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Trump has unequivocally claimed that widespread mail voting could lead to massive frauds. The five states that routinely send mail ballots to all voters have not seen significant scams.

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‘He cheated on you, he lied to you, he abused you, so it’s time for Joe Biden to retire’: Trump

Trump on Wednesday indicated that there would be no concern about fraud or peaceful transfers of power if states “get rid” of unsolicited mailing of ballots.

“You’re very calm – there’s clearly no transfer,” Trump said. “There will be continuity. Ballets are out of control, you know it, and you know, you know it better than anyone. Democrats know this better than anyone. ”

In a July interview, Trump also refused to accept the results, and he made similar remarks before the 2016 election.

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“I have to see. “Look, I’ll see,” Trump told Chris Wallace in a July interview with Fox News Sunday. “No, I would not say yes. I will not say no, not even last time. ”

The Biden campaign responded Wednesday, as Trump did after his July remarks: “This election will be decided by the American people. And the United States government has the capability to expel aggressors from the White House. “

It is not uncommon for a sitting president to say less than full confidence in the electoral process of American democracy. But Trump, four years ago, when his race against Hillary Clinton was nearing the end, also refused to commit to honoring the election results if the Democrats won.

When asked during the October 2016 debate whether he would abide by the will of the electorate, Trump responded, “You will be put in suspense.”

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Trump says Prince Harry is ‘very lucky’ after Meghan Markle asked Americans to vote for Biden

As Trump has suggested, any chaos in states with universal mail-in voting is unlikely to mislead the election outcome.

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Five states that already have such a ballot have time to improve their systems, while four new states – California, New Jersey, Nevada and Vermont – have adopted it. Washington, DC is also newly adopting it.

Of those nine states, Nevada is the only battlefield, worth six electoral votes, and only crucial in the national presidential stalemate.

California, New Jersey, Vermont and DC are the most Democratic and the party’s nominee, former vice president, is likely to win. Joe Biden.

Utah Sen in a tweet on Wednesday evening. Mitt Romney He said the peaceful transition of power was “fundamental to democracy”.

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“Any suggestion that the President should not respect this constitutional guarantee is unacceptable and unacceptable,” he wrote.

With files from Global News

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