July 3, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Vaccines at the Center-du-Quebec: First the workers

Vaccines at the Center-du-Quebec: First the workers

The fever took hold Tuesday morning at the Drummondville-Sud Community Center, where health workers received a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, which was first given at the Center-du-Quebec.

Also read: Kovid-19: 2,183 cases and 28 deaths were reported in Quebec

Carolyn Paris, a nurse working at CHSLD Frederick-George-Heriot, was the first person to be vaccinated. “I have a sense of accomplishment,” she declared.

OmTo me Paris said she had feared the virus since the outbreak began, fearing it would enter the healthcare environment.

CISSSS de la Marici-et-du-center-du-Quebec is also planning to launch its vaccine campaign at CHSLD Frederick-Jorge-Heriot. The large outbreak officials who affected the shelter had to review their plan. It is therefore especially targeted at health care workers, in the coming weeks at the Center-du-Quebec.

The site of the major community epidemic, the Center-du-Quebec, receives two-thirds of the 6,000 doses of the Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine, which will be sent to the region’s CIUSSS by January 4, explained Director Mary-Jose Godi. Regional Public Health Authority for Marisi-at-Center-du-Quebec.

While everything seems to be planned for this first day of vaccination, some are confused outside the clinic. Many adults showed up at the scene, hoping to receive a respectable bite.

CIUSSS Communications agreed that work had to be done before and recalled that it would take months, if not months, for the massive campaign to take place.

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