January 16, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Wales impose 2-week lockdown, more sanctions could come for Manchester

Wales will impose a two-week “firebreak” lockdown from Friday, in which everyone must be at home except the workers needed to deal with the rapid second wave of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford said people were fed up with the COVID-19 sanctions, but he understood the need to impose regulations as critical care units were already full.

“It has to be sharp and deep to have the impact we need,” Drakeford told reporters. “Everyone in Wales has to be at home.

“If we don’t take action now, it will accelerate,” he said. “Our critical care units are already full.”

Lockdown starts at 6pm local time on Friday and ends on November 9th. Everyone but non-essential workers are required to work from home. All unnecessary retail, leisure, hospitality and tourism businesses will have to close in Wales. Places of worship will also be closed.

Most children, unlike some older students, return to school in the second week after a half-term break.

Drakeford said the business would be affected by the 300 300 million ($ 510 million CDN) fund.

Traffic crosses the COVID-19 sign displayed Saturday along the M4 motorway in southeastern Wales. (Geoff Kadick / AFP / Getty Images)

There were 16,982 new COVID-19 cases reported in the United Kingdom over a 24-hour period, up from 16,717 the previous day, according to government figures released on Sunday.

950 cases were reported in Wales, up from just 400 earlier this month.

The UK and Manchester governments disagree on the limits

Four countries in the United Kingdom are witnessing the resurgence of COVID-19, and governments in power and local councils are taking various measures to stem the rise.

Northern Ireland launched four weeks of strict controls on Friday, with Scotland imposing new rules for hospitality.

England came to a three-pronged approach that led to conflicts between the central and regional governments.

After a public address with Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, Prime Minister Boris Johnson accused the North of trying to sacrifice jobs to secure jobs in the South, saying Housing Secretary Robert Genrick could impose a lockdown in a few days.

“We need to end this,” Genrick said in talks with local leaders, adding that there was a basis for an agreement.

Johnson threatened to move the area into “Tier 3” against the will of local leaders if the deal was not possible – to close pubs and bars and ban different houses from being added to the house.

Genreck said he could sign a deal with Manchester leaders on Monday, with newspapers reporting a పది 10 million offer to help businesses deal with the lockdown measures.

“The delay will only make the situation worse, endangering people’s lives and leading to a financial collapse for the city in the long run,” Genrick told BBC TV.

Johnson has so far refused to allow England to adopt the same approach as Wales and Northern Ireland and enforce lockdowns across the country.