September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

“We really have the idea of ​​finding Florida before the pandemic”

"We really have the idea of ​​finding Florida before the pandemic"

The Floridians returned to their pre-epidemic routine, because in this state of deconstruction really began.

Since day two, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have changed their recommendation on sanitation measures in the United States, and since this announcement, many chains have decided to abolish masking in their businesses. …

However, not all stores follow this.

“In Canada, CBS and WallGreen there are companies that have decided to protect their employees by always imposing a mask like the Target Channel we already have,” said Mary Poupart, a journalist in Florida.

Florida was one of the first states to offer a little more freedom when it came to health care.

“We really have the idea of ​​finding Florida before the epidemic, let’s just say it was the governor [Ron] When it comes to the pandemic Desantis is always out of control, which means we’ve been living very freely in Florida since September, so I do not remember the pandemic like you did in Quebec. , Recalled journalist.

Reluctance among young Americans

According to his observations, between 25 and 50% of the population do not wear a mask. Percentage may vary depending on location. For example, citizens living in more southeastern cities wear a different mask than citizens of Central Florida. In an interview with Michelle Jean, Mary Poupart noted that there is a slowing trend in businesses that can cater to a small number of clients.

“Young people have little resistance to vaccines. I’m talking to young people around me, many of whom do not like to be vaccinated. They feel strong and will never believe the epidemic. “

For the journalist, the idea of ​​walking through the shops without a mask is unique.

“I felt a little naked when I walked down the aisle and at the same time I was afraid that people would look down on me and some would be disappointed that I was not wearing a mask. In fact, there were people who did not feel safe,” Mary Poupart emphasized.

Vaccines are doing well in the state of Florida and this is largely due to the availability of the vaccine.

Some people in Florida say, “33% of people are completely vaccinated, and you can be vaccinated anywhere. You can be vaccinated at the airport, vaccinated at public places, vaccinated at mobile units. Also over the weekend, on West Palm Beach, the restaurant offered a free drink if customers were vaccinated in the adjoining unit. ”

Keep in mind that in the state of Ohio, vaccinated Americans are automatically entitled to a million 1 million draw for five weeks.

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