West Nile virus (commonly known as “West Nile virus” in French) is not uncommon: after the dengue virus, experts believe it is the most widespread flavivirus on the planet’s surface.
It is responsible for a disease, Nile fever (or “West Nile fever”, or “West Nile virus fever”), which is very serious.
West Nile Virus (West Nile Virus): Who and how is it spread?
West Nile Virus: Identity Card. West Nile virus belongs to the flavivirus family (Flaviviride), Yellow fever, dengue and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. It was first identified in 1937 in Uganda (in the West Nile region, hence its name) in a woman with a high fever.
West Nile virus: how is it spread? West Nile virus spreads to humans in three stages. First, the virus develops in some birds (passerines, raptors and waterfowl are particularly at risk); Dujio feeds a “vector” mosquito-infected bird (experts estimate that 75 mosquito species may have West Nile virus); Third, a mosquito bites a person so that the virus spreads to him.
Pets (horses, especially) can also be infected after being bitten by an infected mosquito (…)
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