A loose voter system based on the Roman Catholic College of Cardinals that elects the pope, the most knowledgeable and informed people from each state elect the president on merit, ignoring state allegiance.
So when Americans vote on November 3, they are technically voting for “voters”, not candidates. Voters are state officials or party seniors, but they are not usually named on the ballot.
Each voter casts one vote after the general election for one of the two candidates. The newly elected President and Vice President will launch on January 20, 2021.
Read more: Who won the first presidential debate?
How does the Electoral College work?
Electoral College has “voters” in all 50 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. – proportional to the size of each state.
Each state receives at least three electoral votes, which is equal to the total number of senators and delegates in the U.S. Congress. Washington DC also receives three Electoral College votes, making a total of 538 electoral colleges.
The largest state, California, has 55 election votes, followed by Texas, the next largest, with 38. New York and Florida have 29 each.
All but two states – Maine and Nebraska – use the Winner-Takes-All-Systems system, so if you win the most votes in one state, you take its total Electoral College votes.
A candidate for the presidency must win a majority of 538 out of 270 voters.
Although the Constitution does not stipulate that voters will follow a popular vote, many U.S. states have laws. Voters challenged these laws by voting for someone else on the occasion, but in July, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that voters must abide by the popular vote in states that have passed such a law.
The electoral college system generally reflects the popular vote – the president wins the election vote but loses only five popular votes in U.S. history. The latest example of this is that in 2016, despite Donald Trump winning the Electoral College, his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.
What are swing states?
The key for any party to win the presidential election is to target specific battlefield states. There are many swing states, and the recent election went both ways. They are crucial in winning elections.
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