For a long time, the idea has been formed in our minds that both men and women can be equally successful in certain types of activities.
We do not undertake to dispute this at all, it is obvious. But in some areas, however, women are more enterprising and insightful. Where necessary – restrained, and somewhere, even more active than men. Maybe this fact is explained by nature itself?
Our assumption would seem to be such an activity as the gambling sphere. Let’s assume that a casino is not only an entertainment institution, but, in some way, also a work.
As long-term observations and some conclusions show: representatives of the fair sex are more accurate in gambling and win more often.
Quite a bit of history
A few decades ago, the role of a woman in casinos was to accompany a male to a casino. Remember the famous films about these gambling establishments: beautiful women, smartly dressed, on the arm of a gentleman entered the gaming hall and stood for a long time next to a companion while he enjoyed the game. The role of a woman in this institution was simply observant. The player, let’s say, took with him a beautiful and well-groomed companion, solely for the sake of maintaining his image, but nothing more.
But times are changing. The attitude of women to the world of gambling has also changed. There are known cases when women in the game far bypassed men – regulars of the casino. The same is observed in modern online casinos. As proof, we suggest you draw your attention to SuperBoss Canada.
An excursion into psychology
It seems that you will be interested to know the reason for this fact. Let’s take a short excursion into the science of psychology. From the point of view of one of the directions of psychology (psychological difference between sexes), historically, the role of a man was reduced to conquests and victories, no matter what. Victory at any cost, even if he goes at risk. A man subconsciously takes risks in gambling, knowing full well that he can lose. He cannot act differently, otherwise – what kind of man he is. At all times, a man had to justify his mission: to be brave and strong, to be confident and decisive. Showing his masculine essence, the representative of the stronger sex, often, and loses in the game of chance. Here is such a male psychology! The man must win, and the woman must take care of the man. The content of the role of a caring woman implies gentleness, meekness and slowness.
Nature has generously endowed females with caution, accuracy, prudence. Women never make hasty decisions. Ladies, visiting casinos, enjoy the process of the game, always play with pleasure. More often men are cautious, they reason and think more. They also care about the result of the game, but not at any cost. They do not need to prove their superiority in the game, they do not seek to compete with men. They don’t need it at all.
Luck spirit
Let’s summarize the above. Probably, natural data allows ladies, in comparison with men, to win more often.
At the beginning of the last century, a small number of women were fond of gambling. Today, however, shows that the shares of women and men are almost equal – 50 to 50 percent. As they say, women’s emancipation has also stepped into casinos.
So, dear and lucky ladies, you are welcome to the online casino for new wins!
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