March 6, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Wireless Network Development | VideoTron sued Rogers

Wireless Network Development |  VideoTron sued Rogers

The 20-year partnership signed between VideoTron and Rogers in 2013 to jointly develop a 4G LTE wireless network in the Quebec and Ottawa region is turning into a serious trade dispute.

Richard Dufour

Richard Dufour

VideoTron is suing Rogers, Quebecor’s major subsidiary, in a lawsuit filed Friday in Superior Court in Quebec. National Post. VideoTron alleges that Rogers violated the agreement and bad faith in negotiations in the context of a deal to maintain a joint network in Quebec, which was launched eight years ago.

As always PostVideoTron alleges that Rogers created a stalemate by setting up a parallel network covering the Quebec and Ottawa area while the two companies were in talks to upgrade their joint network, which would violate their agreement.

At the time of publication, Quebecore refused to forward a copy of the request, despite numerous requests Tap.

The level of investment needed to develop the joint network and keep it competitive, among other things, is a major disagreement between the two parties, according to a source who is aware of the unrecognizable conflict because she does not have the authority to speak openly. Folder.

According to this source, Rogers learned through a media voice two years ago that VideoTron itself was developing a parallel network.

The partnership between VideoTron and Samsung for the expansion of the 5G network was announced in December 2019.

The agreement, announced in 2013, is unique in that it provides for the sharing of devices as well as the sharing of frequencies. Each operator is responsible for certain areas.

“Unfortunately, VideoTron has decided not to join us to invest in network improvements in Quebec. This decision is not in the best interests of our customers and is contrary to our goals of providing the best connectivity to our customers, ”Rogers Management said in a statement. Tap By email on Friday. At the time, Rogers could not see the request yet.

“Regarding the videotron claim, we will respond in more detail before the courts,” he added.

Rogers argued in his email that the company would invest billions of dollars in infrastructure to provide “the best service experience possible.” “These investments continue to grow as we improve connectivity for Quebec families and businesses and accelerate the deployment of 5G technology to connect more communities across Quebec. ”

This trade dispute between Rogers and Videotron starts a dominance fight between the company’s founding family members in Rogers‌ and Rogers is awaiting regulatory approval to complete the acquisition of Shaw Communications.

Rogers tried to buy Videotron in the early 2000s. Quebecor teamed up with Kaisse Depot at Placement du Quebec to buy Videotron and thus surpassed Rogers.