January 9, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

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5 years after lemon juice | Beyonc had a great moment

5 years after lemon juice |  Beyonc had a great moment

L’incomparable album Lemon juice Beyonc స్ made a splash when it was released just five years ago. Through the themes of black identity and feminism, by its format, the scene is as important as the music, and despite a certain controversy, it recognizes popular culture. Decryption.

Marissa GroguhMarissa Groguh

Album, a turn

Lemon juice In 2016 a new regime was established for Beyonc. This 32E According to one of the best albums of all time Tumbling stone And according to the Associated Press, the best album of the decade was considered by many critics to be Texan’s most accomplished work. “It’s a fantastic album, at the same time difficult, but beautiful, believable and uplifting,” said Susan-Blanche Chato, a sociology professor at Champlain College. Lemon juice Album of all genres included. Beyonc is expanding its musical reach like never before. Do not hurt yourself, For example, with Jack White, bring rock. Daddy lessons Country, back to its Afro-Texan roots. The Ballad Sand castles, Piano-voice, adds another element of relief. All are on record with mainly R&B voices, but immersed in rap, reggae, trap, electronic music.

La force du visuel

Lemonade est un album qui se consomme et se comprend avec le film de 65 minutes qui accompagne la musique. Divisé en 11 chapitres illustrant les émotions transmises sur le disque, le long métrage mêle esthétique percutante, musique, poésie et une distribution phénoménale (de Zendaya à Serena Williams en passant par les mères de Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown et Eric Garner, trois hommes noirs tués aux États-Unis). « Ce qui le rend fantastique, c’est que par le visuel, tu peux saisir le symbolisme de ses émotions, analyse Susan-Blanche Chato. On y voit beaucoup d’empowerment. Elle est entourée de femmes. On voit aussi l’appréciation franche de son héritage afro-américain. » Béatrice Gaudet, étudiante à la maîtrise en littérature à l’UQAM, ajoute que « Beyoncé ne s’exprime pas seulement par sa voix, mais aussi par sa danse », ce que permet ce film très chorégraphié. L’album visuel a placé la barre plus haut pour les autres artistes, soutient-elle, mentionnant notamment Kanye West et son album Jesus Is King (2019), paru avec un court métrage.


Beyoncé étendue sur une voiture de police en pleine noyade, dans le vidéoclip de Formation

La lutte pour le droit des Noirs

À la fin de la pièce Freedom, avec Kendrick Lamar, les mots de la grand-mère de Jay-Z, Hattie White, sont clichés mais porteurs : « I was served lemons but I made lemonade ». Freedom et plusieurs autres pièces de l’album sont des hymnes d’émancipation, de lutte, de fierté. Lemonade a « incité à la conversation », croit Susan-Blanche Chato. « Ça peut sembler exagéré, mais sa contribution et celle d’autres artistes permettent d’expliquer en partie pourquoi les gens ont réagi comme ils l’ont fait en 2020 après ce qui est arrivé à M. Floyd », va-t-elle jusqu’à dire. Beyoncé fait partie d’une « fabrique » établie ces dernières années, où les artistes populaires contribuent à amener plus de sensibilité aux expériences des personnes de couleur, en particulier des personnes noires, dit la professeure. « C’est un album qui a éveillé beaucoup de personnes aux questions de racisme systémique, avant que ce soit populaire d’en parler, ajoute Béatrice Gaudet. Beaucoup de personnes n’avaient jamais entendu Malcolm X [que l’on entend sur l’album] Talk about anything before. […] Lemon juice It made people question themselves. ”

Image from the artist’s website.

Scene from music video Stay tuned

Black Feminism

Billboard rated this picture Lemon juice “Revolutionary work for black feminism”. Beyonc lights up black women. Her feminism goes “through the affirmation of the question of race,” Beatrice Goudet argues. Malcolm X’s words resonate in the song Do not hurt yourself : “The most neglected person in America is a black woman. “In 6 inches, In duet with The Weekend, praised the woman who worked hard day in and day out to get what she wanted, six inches above the heel. Beyonc calls black women Construction. In short, “You can’t escape it, it’s everywhere,” says Susan-Blanche Chato. Also, Beyoncడాడు sings Lemon juice Her husband’s infidelity (Sorry, Pray you hold me, Stay tuned Or Do not hurt yourself), One of the red threads of the disc. Vulnerable, she gives a personal reflection on “Black Love”, often regarded as “negative”, raised by Susan-Blanche Chatto. The album will appear later Lemon Juice Syllabus, Created by columnist Candice Bembo, to bring suggestions for books, movies, songs and poems on themes addressed by Beyonc పరిష్కరించ to further enhance the reflection initiated by her writing.

Photo by Lucy Nicholson, Archive Reuters

Beyoncలలో at the 2017 Grammy Awards

Grammy Awards scandal

Grammy Awards 2017. Adele received the Album of the Year award 25. But thanks to her, Britain said it could not accept the award. “I’m not grateful, but my life artist Beyonc మరియు and this album, Lemon juice, Monument, well thought out, very beautiful and light, ”she said with applause. To the weeping Beyonc, she said, “We never see a part of you and we thank you. We all love you artists here. You are our light. -Mostly confirmed by American fans.A compilation of the great celebration of music, Beyonc ఓ’s defeat filled music fans, they are still talking about one of the biggest failures of the Grammy Awards.

Image from the artist’s website

Scene from the movie with the album Lemon juice

“Revolutionary” with a warning

For Nanatali Indongo, a musician and host of a cultural event Bridge On CBC, Beyonc చర్చ discusses themes Lemon juice, Like its images, is not very new. “R&B, neo-soul, rap, artists have been talking about the same thing for a long time. Isn’t Beyoncదిగా slow to get there? She asks herself. “All of these are very authentic and not part of the machinery of capitalism and marketing.” Performance Live on Saturday night It also responded to its release with the sketch “The Beyonce Black Turn Day”. If a lot of people criticize him as “aesthetic resistance and” [d’en avoir] Makes a profitable tool, ”said Beatrice Gowdett, whose time was marked by Beyonc. “We are not done talking Lemon juice, She adds. She said nothing new with this album, but she took it to a more popular level. ”