July 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

A $ 130.7 million quantum supercomputer was installed in Quebec

A $ 130.7 million quantum supercomputer was installed in Quebec

The first innovation zones in Sherbrook and Bromont will lead to $ 690 million in investments over the next five years, including $ 155.7 million in public funds. Multinational IBM plans to implement “the most powerful computer in Canada”, especially in Estrie.

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Also read: More than $ 100 million from Quebec in innovation zones

The new trendy toy bill is estimated at $ 130.7 million. Quebec is financially supporting the project with a check of $ 68 million. In return, the American company sought to make “equivalent” investments in the province.

IBM’s first quantum computer on Canadian soil will be installed at the Group Factory in Bromont. The company has already deployed similar devices in the United States, Japan, Germany as well as South Korea.

The IBM project is one of several projects that the government hopes to offer through two new innovations announced on Thursday. It is an election commitment.

Stop being the worst

The Sherbrook Quantitative Hub specializes in quantum sciences and technological applications, and the Technology Quebec Zone focuses on digital technologies, such as intelligent electronic systems. Its goal is to bring researchers and businesses together.

Prime Minister Franకోois Legalt on Thursday announced the creation of the first two innovation zones in Sherbrooke.

Photo taken from Twitter, milie Nadeau

Prime Minister Franకోois Legalt on Thursday announced the creation of the first two innovation zones in Sherbrooke.

“When we saw the research in Quebec […], We are one of the best in the world. When we see the commercialization of research, be it true, we are the last in the world, “lamented Premier Franకోois Legalt.” Very few patent registrations take place in Quebec every year.

He hopes to change the game with these innovation zones.

In Sherbrook, $ 435 million, including $ 131 million from the state treasury, will be used to support businesses and school organizations. These sums will be used to support 13 projects, including IBM. The latter also accounts for the lion’s share ($ 68 million) of public investment.

Companies 1QBit, Pasqal and Eidos-Sherbrooke Studios also plan to inject $ 205 million into various growth projects over the next five years.

Other millions

In terms of the tech Quebec zone, Bromont has planned investments of $ 255 million over the next five years, including $ 24.7 million from government pockets. Of this amount, $ 19.5 million will go to the C2MI Center, especially for equipment purchases.

Teledine Dalsa has already promised to invest $ 74 million to improve its product. Aeponyx wants to allocate $ 56 million for the development of optical microswitches, while BlackPearl has a $ 90 million investment in its boxes.

Investments in The first two Innovation Zones

State investment will help IBM install the first commercial quantum computer in the country in Quebec.

Photo courtesy, IBM Canada

State investment will help IBM install the first commercial quantum computer in the country in Quebec.

Sherbrook Quantum – Quantum Sciences and Technological Applications

  • $ 435 million, including $ 131 million in public funds

Technology Quebec – Digital Technologies (Bromont)

  • $ 255 million, including $ 24.7 million in public funds

Source: Government of Quebec

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