January 10, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

After all, cathode ray screens are back in fashion!

Sculpture faite avec des télévisions cathodiques (TV)

In the world of technology, we regularly see the return of technology that we thought was completely obsolete. For example, depending on the arrival of the CD and subsequent streaming services, vinyls that were thought to be disappearing are coming back. The return began in 2006, according to statistical data. Now, in the USA, vinyl is sold 30 times more than it was 15 years ago.

A few years ago, we also talked about the return of audio cassettes, whose sales are increasing every year. Of course, there is the retro gaming movement, which involves playing on older consoles.

Naturally, the next trend will be the return to cathode ray screens, the large and bulky screens that ruled before the advent of flat screens (LCD, LED, etc.). However, this is what an article recently published in Wired Magazine suggests.

But why do we want to be burdened with those old televisions? To watch a priori, series or football match is to have the best experience on recent television with a flat screen. On the other hand, if you want to play the old console, you will have a better experience if you use the screen created at the same time.

Retro Gaming: It’s good on retro television

In essence, it’s a renaissance of retrogaming that is currently fueling interest in the web for older cathode ray screens. Enthusiastic associations of enthusiasts are forming on social networks.

For example, the Twitter account has CRT pixels, which is the target “Celebrate and compare retro games on the screens they create! “

Wired also refers to the r / CRT gaming community (CRT stands for Cathode-Ray Tube or Cathode Ray Tube). Its number of users is expected to double in 2019.

By the way, if it is, the old television stored in your attic (if you haven’t thrown it away yet) may be worth the gold. True, on eBay, the Sony GDM-FW900 screen sold for $ 900 in 2019. Currently, the same model is selling for 2,500.