January 10, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Age vos agendas: voici le calendrier complet déconfinement du Québec

Age vos agendas: voici le calendrier complet déconfinement du Québec

The first minister, François Legault, presents a plan for the confirmation of the quotes of the Quobbicoys retriever on a very high standard. Seouls mesures qui perdureront and ne seront pas levies mime au 14 mars: le port du mask and le passport passport vaccinal. Voici le guide à conserver des dates des assouplissements prévus.

Ire À lyre aussi: These questions should be answered in a timely manner

Ire À lyre aussi: Vers un retour à une vie (presque) normale 14 mars

Ire À lyre aussi: This encore sorts of bois, rappelle un intensiviste

12 fivrier

É é lintierier des domiciles privacy, la Santé public live at the limit capacity for rassemblements. Here are some suggestions on how to limit a person to 10 people, or occupants troisers. Ces rugles si appliquent également aux unités d’bergement touristiques.

Ans Dance restaurants, a maximum of 10 people, or a group of provincial trois addresses different, all autoris a table.

◆ Dans milieux de vie for songs: Risidences Privacy for Ainas (RPA): 2 people (prosecutors or visitors) on the page, for a total of 4 maximum journeys; centers d’hibergement et soins de longue durée (CHSLD) et resource intermediaries accuillant des ainîs : 1 person (person proche assist or visitor) in the fox, for a total of 2 people per maximum number of journeys.

14 fivrier

◆ Reprise des matches in sports for you;

U Overture gyms and spas à 50% of capacity.

◆ Fin des protocols sanitaires for les comptitions sportives extérieures;

◆ Capacity à 5000 people for spectacles extras, with the passport vaccinal.

21 fivrier

É Live on the limit capacities in the Commercials with My Passport vaccinal in the lieux on the d ;jà requests;

É Rouverture centers cent rcrotifs (arcades, parcs aquaticques, centers and parcs dattractions, centers d’Amusement and other sites thematics) in respectful 50% of capacitance daccueil, with passport vaccinal;

◆ Reprise des congresses, assemblies and des runes, with a capacity of 50% or a maximum of 500 persons, with a passport passport;

◆ Activate sociales in a salle louie permits for a maximum of 50 people, with a passport passport;

◆ Augmentation of the capacity of the false culvert 50% of the capacity or a maximum of 500 people, with the passport passport vaccinal;

◆ Lors de lixposition du corps or cendres d’un dfuntu and l’expression des condoléns aux proches, a maximum of 50 people à la fose sera possible.

28 fivrier

◆ Fin du tlétravail obligator, with recommandation favorites un mode hybride;

◆ Reprise des comptitions and des tournois for you, with your passport passport;

É Live limited participants in sports activities and sports;

◆ Capacity à 100% of the best spectacles, the best movies and the best sports, the best reception of the best 10,000 people and more.

◆ Rouverture bars and des casinos, in respectable 50% of the capacity daccueil. This lies in the Firmont à 1 h, so a safe approach to final service dalcool. These people give useful and useful assignments.

Er Fermeture des restaurants à 1 h et fin du service des aliments et des boissons u minuit;

◆ Rouverture des lies in intriguing for the pratique du billard and des flichettes ainsi que dauters jeux de mime nature; capacitance à 50% and passport vaccinal obligator;

◆ Fin des limits of capacitance in lieu kulte, with a passport passport vaccinal.

14 mars

◆ Capacity daccueil à 100% in lieu publics;

Uc Aucune limits the capacity of tables in restaurants, bars and taverns;

◆ Activities of dance and karaoke permits;

Activities of nature sociale in a salle world:

  • aucune restriction quant au number participants, with the passport passport vaccinal;
  • maximum 20 people, including passport vaccine;

Ie Lieux culte, funerailles (chromones, condols) and mariages: capacitance à 100% and possible sans passport vaccinal, with a maximum of 50 persons in the foie gras;

◆ Capacity à 100% of the best spectacles and most exciting sports for 10 000 people and more.