January 7, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Amendment of Act 101 was passed

Amendment of Act 101 was passed

Despite criticism from PQ, Liberals and Anglophones, the Legalt government on Tuesday approved version 101 of the bill. And the Prime Minister has already announced his next priority: Francophone Immigration.

Also read: PQ will vote against version 101 of the Act, which is considered to be the most ambitious

Also read: Regional Elections: Mary Montpet is taking a break from politics

“This is the first time in 45 years that we have made a major change to the 1977 French language charter,” said Franois Legalt.

With nearly 200 articles, Bill 96 poses a wide net. It affects English speaking CEGEPs, codes, bilingual city status, state communication language, etc.

For Simon Jolin-Barrett, these measures made it possible to reverse the French decline, even though it was only the “first stage of the linguistic revival.” “For a long time, the French situation was dormant. We ignored it and it was the first milestone.

May emigrate

Franయిois Legalt also displayed his colors for the next election campaign. Since 2018, the proportion of French-speaking Quebec-selected immigrants has increased from 55% to 84%. But Ottawa still regulates family reunification and refugee selection.

“This is where we need to work and in the next election campaign, we need to have a strong mandate to negotiate this with Ottawa,” the prime minister told CAQ.

In the Blue Room, despite reservations, only Quebec Solidair supported Bill 96. Liberals and the PQ have come out against it for different reasons.

On the Ottawa side, the Trudeau government is already challenging new law 101, despite the provision of protection from the courts.

“We are concerned about the most recent version of Bill 96 that will be passed this afternoon, but we will continue to monitor it, see what final form it will take and decide accordingly. To protect minority rights.” Said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Most rivals

Although it has caused some controversy since its submission in May 2021, Bill 96 has seen its rivals multiply in recent weeks.

English-speaking communities have been given a kick-off due to freezing of seats in English-speaking CEGEPs and the cancellation of Dawson College Expansion (announced as Stride). It ended in a big march, especially in Montreal, led by the Liberals of Dominic Anglade.

What will change

Fewer places in English speaking CEGEPs

We are a long way from applying Bill 101 to CEGEPs who demand PQ, which prohibits phonophones and allophones from attending English language networks.

Quebec opted for the free option instead, but froze the number of places in the English language college network.

And since these were initially reserved for a historic minority, access to prancophones and allophones gradually became more difficult as the population grew.

Individuals from a historical minority are also required to take three French as a second language course, while others must have passed three courses in their training in French.

More companies are subject to Act 101

From now on, companies with 25 or more employees, as well as those under federal jurisdiction (such as banks and airports), must demonstrate that work is done in the Moliere language.

But Quebec has denied the involvement of the new version of the Official Languages ​​Act, which, according to him, allows federal chartered companies to submit instead of Ottawa rules.

Served in French six months later

In the future, the state will have to communicate with them in French six months after their arrival.

Solidares and liberals have condemned this rule, which further complicates the lives of immigrants who have no grip on language. “This is a ruthless condition and, frankly, a condition that does not apply to the earth at all,” United Deputy Ruba Ghazal said in a summary.

“This is really a complete misunderstanding of the reality of immigration,” Liberal MP Carlos Letao added.

Both learned French at an early age after emigrating to Quebec with their parents.


Contrary to past versions, the posting question did not provoke arousal. However, companies now need to ensure the “obvious prevalence” of the elements in French, along with the Anglophone trademark.

“For example, if you have a Canadian tire, the words ‘restoration center’ should be a little larger,” Mr. Legalt explained when presenting the bill. Affected companies have three years to make a change.

New guard dogs

Quebec offers itself ways to protect and promote the French language. The French Ministry of Languages ​​will be created, with Simon Jolin-Barrett as the first official.

The new organization, Franciscan Quebec, is also responsible for being the “single government access point for individuals seeking French learning services”.

The OQLF will also receive further powers and will have a commissioner for the French language to “monitor the evolution of the language situation in Quebec”.

Health care concerns

The College of Physicians last week gave weight to the concerns of medical professionals who fear being punished if they speak English with their patients. “[…] The text of the law, as formulated, maintains the gray areas and gives cause for concern. “R Mauryl Goudrolt.

On Tuesday, in response to questions from Liberal leader Dominic Angled, the Prime Minister reiterated that the bill would not affect health care in any way. “Let’s not say anything,” said Franకోois Legalt.

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