March 17, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

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Anne Casabon cracks at La Semaine des 4 Julies

Anne Casabon cracks at La Semaine des 4 Julies

Julie Snyder received the actress this Monday and defeated the Conservative Party of Quebec’s Iberville candidate in Anne Casabon.

The host showed him a number of clips from his career, including one from his triumph at the Prix Gémeaux in 2011.

In her speech, she thanked her gaming colleagues hard timeHélène Florent, Genevieve Rochet and Brigitte Lafleur.

Not only are you wonderful and talented colleagues; You also became friends. »

When the camera returns to her, Julie Snyder notices that Anne Casabon is crying. ” Anne, I think you are moved “, she started towards her guest, her eyes wet.

These are beautiful times She said after a long silence.

Julie Snyder asked her if she believed friendships could be lost because of politics. These actresses belittle you “.

Anne Casabon replies: I think they still love me. When we do theater or something, it’s like an adventure, there’s a moment of performance and then, we break up. It’s not friendship lost. »

The host goes further by asking why she is so moved when she sees these images again. “ Because I find it beautiful and it’s a great adventure a la galère. It was a beautiful moment, that’s all she replied.

Anne Casabon currently has no other acting plans. ” I think I’m going to take a vacation. Let’s see [pour la suite] “, she said.