January 10, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Are Quebecers happy at work? Oh no!

Are Quebecers happy at work?  Oh no!

At work, they are the most stressed in the world. (Photo: Michal Matlon for Unsplash)

Damn job! is a segment where Oliver Schmouker answers your toughest questions [et les plus pertinentes] In the modern business world… and, of course, its failures. Appointment to read Tuesday And yet Thursdays. Do you want to participate? Send us your question at [email protected]

Q. – “I read your columns regularly. I filled them with practical tips that made a real difference at work and I thank you for that. But I also find that you sometimes exaggerate: it’s not true that employees’ lives are a perpetual nightmare and managers are all mean and manipulative! With us, for example, I see only laughter and good humor while putting on a good performance. Marc-Andre

A. – Dear Marc-Andre, It is my turn to thank you for your positive and constructive comment. I said “Maudit job!” Glad to know I’m doing useful work with the column. I am glad to know that you are thriving in an organization where happiness and efficiency reign supreme.

However, allow me to consider that you are the famous exception that proves the rule. Because no, joie de vivre is not common at work, at least in Canada. I need proof, if it really takes one, the latest study from management consulting firm Gallup, “State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report.”

This annual report provides the pulse of organizations around the world and particularly in Canada. This allows you to get a fair idea of ​​their health status. And we can say that Canadian institutions are not in top form in general. away from there.

– Motivation that leaves something to be desired. Only 21% of Canadians feel engaged in their work. As for others, they work just for pay (62%), or they are completely unemployed (17%), and look elsewhere for a more exciting job, sometimes even during their working hours.

– Among the most stressed in the world. 56% of Canadians say they feel stressed “most of the day” at work. This percentage is the highest in the world, followed by Turkey (68%), Lebanon (67%) and Greece (60%). By comparison, China has a percentage of 55%.

– 1 in 6 Canadians feel angry at work. The report shows that 17% of Canadians are angry “most of the day” at work. This percentage reaches 20% for those under 40, which shows that early and mid-career employees experience the most professional frustrations: difficulties balancing work and personal life; A salary that does not meet their expectations; Career development is slower than expected; etc

– 3 out of 5 Canadians want to change jobs. 60% of Canadian employees surveyed said now is a good time to change jobs. Again, this is one of the highest percentages in the world, with the podium made up of Kuwait (84%), Mali (73%) as well as Laos and Denmark (both 70%). It’s also worth noting that 56% of Canadians under the age of 40, on condition of anonymity, are actively looking for a new job. And this percentage means 44% for managers alone: ​​if you have 5 managers in your organization, 2 are looking elsewhere today hoping the grass is greener!

All of this, Marc-Andre, leads me to believe that your organization is a real gem, or that your information about the current state of mind of employees does not reflect the full truth. Anyway, the conclusion is clear, it seems to me: Employers, treat your employees best, because they are not well! Yes, don’t wait until the situation escalates and the whole thing blows up in your face. The stability of your organization is definitely at stake. Not more not less.

By the way, the Chinese thinker Mencius said in the “Books of Books”: “Kindness is in the way of destiny”.