The Canadian director spent 12 years preparing and filming Avatar: The Way of the Water, the second installment in one...
Livia Laurie
Because this is the last time you read me on Sunday in the paper version Log ? Or because Christmas...
End Sacha and Pikachu's adventures after 25 seasons: The Pokemon Company announced Friday that a "new series" will begin in...
Here comes Santa BoogieGregory is the title of the first father-daughter duet Charles and Julia ever recorded, a gift they...
Britain's King Charles showed off his "dancing" skills during a visit to a Jewish community center in London on Friday....
Fallen comedian Julien Lacroix will make another comeback to the stage before Christmas. • Also Read: Julien Lacroix Affair: "I'm...
Julien Lacroix had something to say about the apparition in the Ardent Chapel of Jean Lapointe at the Church of...
Fallen comedian Julien Lacroix will try to return to the stage before Christmas. • Also Read: Julien Lacroix Affair: "I'm...
Forget the athletic actor who starred in action films in the 1990s and 2000s. It's the completely unrecognizable Brendan Fraser,...
Cowboys fringes have a new element to contend with since last summer: Carl Tremblay's chemotherapy treatment schedule. • Also Read:...