July 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Better a poor horse than no horse at all!

Better a poor horse than no horse at all!


  • People who choose a hot sandwich during a meal break are more satisfied with their meal than those who choose a cold sandwich.
  • Eating hot makes the meal feel more full than the cold meal.

For lunch, do you have a hot sandwich, a “panini” type or a classic cold “ham and butter” sandwich? If the choice seems trivial, researchers at Rutgers-Camden University in the United States suggest that it is not, especially if you care about your numbers. In this case, it is better to go for a hot meal. The results of this work were presented in the journal on December 14th Hunger.

Choosing a soft drink can lead to more breakfast

People who choose a hot sandwich during a meal break are more satisfied with their meal than those who choose a cold sandwich. “We are not sure where these predictions came from, Rutgers – Maureen Morin, professor of marketing and study author at Camden University. But those related to the satisfaction of certain foods develop over time, after repeated episodes..

In this study, researchers found that people who were in favor of a cold sandwich were more likely to combine this meal with a snack. In two weeks, they examined the details of 123 orders placed in a New York cafe, which served customers sandwiches. They found that those who ordered a soft drink were three times more likely to buy additional food items such as croissants or muffins.

Eat hot to control your weight well

In an attempt to explain this phenomenon, the researchers looked at other studies, which suggest that people feel that eating cold food is less filling than hot food. “The literature suggests that the serving temperature of foods and beverages affects the intensity and perception of smell and taste., They write. Generally speaking, as the food temperature rises, the fats dissolve and the release of flavors and aromas improves. As a result, sensory traits tend to favor hot foods over cold foods..

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In conclusion, researchers should be careful about their number and / or those who want to lose weight should choose hot sandwiches to avoid the temptation for breakfast. “We don’t know if people who like cold food are heavier than those who like hot food. But our results suggest that, knowing that hot foods and beverages are more filling, people who want to control their intake should choose hot foods rather than cold ones when given a choice.”, They advise.

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