February 14, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Biden broke with the BLM movement to oppose police fraud

Biden broke with the BLM movement to oppose police fraud

Former Vice President Joe Biden broke up with Black Lives Matter in a statement released Monday, saying he does not support the nationwide “police money laundering” movement Got the floor Following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer.

“Biden does not believe the police should be defrauded. He listens to the deep grief and frustration of those calling for change and is driven to ensure that justice is done and that we stop this terrible pain,” Biden spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement.

Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, said it supports public schools’ urgent need for reform, including summer programs, mental health and substance abuse, so that officials can focus on police work. “

“It finances community police programs that improve the relationship between officers and residents and provides the training needed to avoid tragic, unjustified deaths,” the statement said.

According to the report, Biden said funding should be available so police departments can diversify “to resemble the communities they serve.”

He also called for more funding for body cameras.

“Many police departments across the country are trying to make sense of this kind of change, but there is no evidence – and the Trump administration has made it very difficult to actually obtain those resources.

The Trump reelection campaign dismissed Biden’s position as “a weak statement of a middle-class employee.”

“Until Americans hear from Joe Biden, they have no way of knowing where he really stands,” Trump 2020 communications director Tim Murdock said in a statement.

“Joe Biden is the leader of his party, and he can separately exclude the Democrats who have elected him from this heinous policy of calling for chaos in American communities, but he has left his base with nothing to say. Murdock said in the statement.

Trump, who has positioned himself as a “law and order” candidate, has been pushing Biden to take a stand on the issue for the past several days.

“Law & Order, Don’t Stop and Eradicate Police. Extreme Left Democrats Are Crazy!” Tweeted on Monday.

On Sunday, President Biden joined other Democrats.

“Sleepy Joe Biden and the extreme left Democrats want to block the police. I want better and better-paying law enforcement. I want Law & Order! ”The president tweeted on Sunday.

Several cities, including New York, Los Angeles and Minneapolis, are considering removing or diverting funds from their police departments for youth and community service programs.

“Police matters for sure, but the investments of our youth are underrated,” Mayor Bill de Blasio told reporters during a City Hall press conference Sunday. “We will be funding youth initiatives and community services from the NYPD.”

Protesters and members of the Black Lives Matter have called for “police repatriation” of national rallies against Floyd’s killing on May 25.

Eight minutes and 46 seconds is charged with second-degree murder in the case of Officer Derek Chuvv, who kneeled on Floyd’s neck.

Floyd was charged with aiding and abetting a second-degree murder on the other three officers involved in the detention.