Most people who suffer from Kovid-19 lose their sense of smell and therefore taste because they are closely related to the two senses. A cookbook has been published to restore the pleasure of eating to these patients.
Studies show that between 40 and 85% of people infected with coronavirus lose their taste buds. This range is not very accurate, but indicates the fact that a significant proportion of patients are affected by their sense of smell and their taste by return. Very sudden loss, often occurs before other symptoms: good alarm signal, in short.
Scientists have not yet understood all the causes, but the virus seems to have attacked particularly olfactory receptors: neurons at the top of the nasal cavity have tiny cilia to capture odor molecules. However, in some people who are infected with Kovid-19, these receptors lose their hair and thus lose their odor.
Usually these hairs grow back about ten days after the end of the infection, but there are also cases where the anosmia lasts for months, possibly affecting other cells in the area.
Eating, multisensory experience
Losing taste is where it comes from, because eating is a multicensory experience. Our taste buds give us basic information: sweet, salty, sour, bitter or umami – the taste of broth or mushroom. Consistency also interferes: it is a tactile feeling. The rest of the taste is the smell that travels from the back of our throat to our nose, especially when swallowing.
Taste & Flavor, an inspiring cookbook for those experiencing changes in taste and smell due to Kovid. [Ryan Riley/Kimberley Duke – Life Kitchen]So losing your sense of smell means losing an important part of the taste experience, which is detrimental to physical and moral health. Hence the idea of making a recipe book specifically for people suffering from this problem: it was developed Life Kitchen, A UK non-profit organization that works with people with disorders already linked to cancer.
Recipes avoid many foods such as eggs, garlic, onions or grilled meat: Foods that are often very repellent to those with anosmia or psoriasis – a distortion of odor – are associated with SARS-CoV-2.
On the other hand, these people still have basic tastes, as well as roasting chili, like the freshness of mint or the tingling of wasabi – passing through the triangular, cranial nerve.
Emphasis is also placed on texture, which helps a lot in making food more appealing. Recipes in English from the book Taste & Taste, Free and DownloadablePlay on all topics, such as eating and getting satisfaction from it.
Subject Radio: Lucia Silig
Web Adaptation: Stephanie Jacket
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