July 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Coronavirus updates from around the world

Coronavirus live news and updates from around the world
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

World leaders have pledged a total of $ 8 billion for the development and dissemination of diagnostics, treatments and vaccines against the new corona virus.

Donations came flooding during today’s virtual pledges held jointly by the European Union, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom. US does not participate.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said, “Today the world shows extraordinary unity for the common good. Governments and global health organizations join forces against coronavirus. With that commitment, we are on the right track to develop, produce and use vaccines for all. However, this is only the beginning. We need to maintain efforts and be ready to contribute more. The Marathon promises to continue. “

This is what some leaders promised:

Norway promising a contribution of $ 1 billion, Switzerland promising $ 381 million and Netherlands $ 209.5 million.

Australia promising $ 352 million Australian dollars, which is about $ 226 million USD.

Italy Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte promised $ 152.7 million, provisionally South Korea announced a contribution of $ 50 million and Kuwait promised to donate $ 40 million.

south Africa said it would pledge $ 1.3 million and raise $ 61 million further from African Union member states. Israel pledged to invest $ 60 million in efforts to respond to the pandemic.

Ireland accounted for nearly $ 20 million USD. Luxembourg promising $ 5.45 million, Sweden $ 17 million. Portugal $ 10.9 million, Croatia $ 1.09 million, Finland $ 39.3 million. Bulgaria and Romania promising $ 109,000 and $ 218,000 respectively.

Serbia announced a contribution of $ 2.18 million, Slovenia $ 33.6 million, and Czech Republic announce joint appointments with Poland, Hungary and Slovakia in the amount of $ 3.27 million.

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Meanwhile, Melinda Gates, one of the founders of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, promised $ 100 million for the effort.

Other countries such as the UAE, Oman, Turkey, Monaco and China also promised to contribute to efforts against Covid-19 without specifying the numbers.

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