January 11, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Covered teacher in Toys: Legalt defends bill 21

Covered teacher in Toys: Legalt defends bill 21

The withdrawal of a teacher from her class due to hijab in Chelsea last week also caused a stir on Monday, with the Quebec and Canadian premiers having intense discussions through the media.

Also read: “This is no longer a theoretical problem,” said Trudeau, a teacher covered in Toiss.

Also read: Teacher withdraws: One organization condemns “media and political revival”

Also read: Cover teacher withdraws from class: Quebec returns ball to elected federal officials

“Quebec is a country and we must respect the choices that the Quebec nation makes democratically,” Franకోois Legalt thundered Monday, saying his law was “reasonable”.

The Prime Minister recalled that Bill 21 had the support of a majority of Cubans and that similar provisions existed in other countries, especially in some Europe.

Mr. Legalt responded to remarks by his federal counterpart Justin Trudeau, saying he was in serious disagreement with the law on secularism during the morning. “In a free and open society, I do not realize that anyone can lose their job because of their religion,” he said.

As a reminder, on December 9, teacher Fatehmeh Anwari was expelled from her third grade at primary school and transferred to an administrative post for violating the law by wearing a hijab in class. On Friday, Mr Legalt said he would never hire her when the law on secularism was already in place.

“People can teach if they remove their religious symbol when teaching. When they are on the street, when they are at home, they can wear a religious symbol, “Mr. Legalt reiterated on Monday, adding that” secularism and neutrality should be seen. “

He also asked, “Would you allow a teacher to teach with a T-shirt marked” I’m for the Liberal Party “?”

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