March 6, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

COVID-19: Quebec bans anti-vaccine demonstrations near schools and hospitals

COVID-19: Quebec bans anti-vaccine demonstrations near schools and hospitals

The National Assembly on Thursday passed a bill banning anti-vaccine demonstrations within 50 meters of schools, daycare and hospitals in Quebec.

Bill 105, presented this morning by Public Security Minister Genevieve Gilbolt, was passed unanimously after a few hours of debate.

Schools, daycare and health and social service organizations are prohibited from attending the pandemic “event” within 50 meters, including screening and vaccination clinics. The bill will also cover vocational and general training centers for adults and CEGEPs, as suggested by the generous Marwa Rizki.

The government, with the help of the amendment, clarified that the bill does not apply to workers who want to demonstrate, for example, for better working conditions.

On the other hand, parents who want to perform exclusively for better ventilation in their children’s school may not be able to do so, as the subject is associated with COVID-19, Mr. should be noted.To me Gilbolt. She said they have to exercise their right outside the perimeter.

It is also prohibited to “incite anyone to perform or perform a demonstration” against health measures. The bill provides for fines of $ 1,000 to $ 6,000 for protesters. These sums range from $ 2,000 to $ 12,000 for anyone who threatens or threatens a surrendered person [dans les lieux visés], Tries to access it or leaves. These fines are doubled if a recurring offense occurs.

Note that Minister Gilbolt rejected MTo me Rizky to sentence offenders to six months in prison.

Bill 105 also allows superior court judges to issue injunctions to prevent “any action” contrary to the provisions of the legislative text.

The bill will expire in 30 days, as demanded by the Conservative Party of Quebec (PCQ). Before the deadline, the government has the right to extend them for 30 days. It can make “any other extension” by the end of a health emergency.

“Frankly, there are limits”

Earlier, PCQ leader Eric Duheim warned of the dangers of passing a bill that would attack the fundamental right to be demonstrated.

Independent MP Claire Samson, who joined the PCQ, said the government was trying to “restrict the freedom of expression of some citizens.” “It’s not a small thing,” she exclaimed. Are we going to get a special bill every week to target a group of exhibitors? “

Despite his reluctance, Mr.To me Samson gave his consent to the government at all stages of the process.

In A message was posted on his Facebook pageMr Legalt said he understood it would be difficult to limit the right to exhibit, but said, “frankly, there are limits.”

He said he wanted to protect children, sick people and workers in the health network. “It’s very shocking for me to imagine how my nurses will feel when they see this. These women and men have been giving their body and soul for months to treat COVID – 19 patients despite very difficult working conditions,” Mr Legalt wrote.

He pointed out that patients in the hospital had rejected the vaccine and that when nurses now leave their office, demonstrators must see to it that the vaccine does not work. “It is not true that we are going to accept that. At a time when we have a shortage of nurses in our health network, we cannot allow certain radicals to make their lives more difficult,” he said.

The new law, which was voted on Thursday, is similar to a law passed in 2016 by the National Assembly to prevent anti-abortion protesters from approaching abortion clinics.

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